Sep 12 2010

"Well there you go. The face of venereal disease."
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"Ja. Bitte schoen mein lieblich. Mit knackwurst. Mmm-hmm. Und strudel. JISM!"
 or click here

Karen's notes: Adam only said the first one last night. I threw the second one in from the nest-egg as a bonus.

For those who don't happen to understand the second one, this is Adam stringing together every german word he knows. He says, "Yes, please, my love. With sausage. Mmm-hmm. And pastry." "Jism" (slang for semen, you guys all know that, right?) is definitely NOT german.

Added a bit later: I was just reminding Adam of what he had said all that time ago, and he asked me "What's lieblich?" He had NO IDEA of having ever known that word!


  1. It's amazing that every German word Adam knows strings together to make sense. :)

  2. wow! sleeptalking in german! i wonder when we'll hear some spanish or italian... :) btw: normally it's "Liebling" and "Knackwurst" or "Bockwurst" - but you wrote exactly what adam said...
    i found the explanation: "The German noun Knackwurst—which, in English is sometimes corrupted as knockwurst—comes from the German words knacken ("to crack") or knackig ("crisp")." wiki ftw! :)

  3. Actually, it's 'Bitte schön', or 'schoen' if you don't have the umlaut (dots above the O). And 'lieblich' means 'lovely', 'liebling' means 'darling'. And strudel is A pastry, it doesn't mean pastry. When you ask for strudel, you get a strudel.

    His accent isn't too bad though! ;-)

  4. Ha,

    He is well cultured :-) Speaking German in his sleep...Jeeze I struggle speaking it in my day to day life....and I live in Germany.....Fml!!!!!

  5. Mmmm, knackwurst. STM has good taste in sausage!

  6. I'd better practice that second one for my forthcoming trip to Berlin. Maybe without the "jism", though. XD

  7. Maybe jism is slang for semen over there, but in America I've always heard "jizz" as slang for semen

  8. Jism is right. Jizz is the usual 'Americans being lazy' abbreviation, LOL

    'The face of venereal disease' reminds me of that Friends episode when Joey gets his big break....

  9. He sounds really hot when he speaks German :D

  10. I wanted to chime in on the German part but Christina summed it up pretty well. My guess is that in this context "Bitte schön mein Liebling." means something like "Here you are, darling." or "Here you go, darling.".

    Grettings from Vienna!

  11. Wow, I had no idea STM even knew German! Now I'm even more impressed.

  12. Knackwurst and strudel...AND jism....what a combo....

  13. Anonymous 21:50 murmured, "Knackwurst and strudel...AND jism....what a combo.... "

    Although, I've heard REALLY good German food can induce an orgasm in the eater... perhaps STM indulged in an orgy of tasting?

  14. Unless it means that the nefarious Food Fetishist - no longer content with mere fondling - has struck again..... 7@=G

  15. For me as a german, the last bit does sound like "diesem", which would translate to "this one".

  16. wow... STM has some culture in there. I'm jealous, speaking a forgein language in his sleep. I know a few phrases in French, few words in Spanish and German. but as far as I know I've never spoke anything other than English in my sleep!!!

  17. Actually, it translates more accurately as "Yes. Here you are my lovely." Apparently he's serving lunch to dream-Karen. He's even got some dessert, haha.

  18. Now we are getting German - from the Fartherland!!
