Oct 1 2010

"I like my unicorns medium-sized. Anything bigger is just showing off."
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"It's not lying if I smile and end with 'I love you.'"
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"Big lips! Fat lips! Get your kissing lips here! No, I don't want your lips, but boy, do you want mine. Yeah. Get your kissing lips! Kissing lips. Kiss it!"
 or click here

And here's Adam at 3am, helping me to conquer my insomnia:

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ADAM: Now go to sleep.
KAREN: I'm so tired.
ADAM: Stop moving and be quiet.
KAREN: Mmm-hmm. Sing me to sleep.
ADAM: (singing to lullaby tune) Go to sleeeeeep, go to sleeeep, go to sleep or I'll punch you....


  1. 2nd one has to be a card!

  2. Awesome lullaby!

  3. I'm stealing that lullaby for future use on my husband/pets/random strangers *yoink*

  4. i love the first one

  5. I love that Lee Lee said "yoink"

  6. I wonder if you were cured of your insomnia if STM would stop talking? Maybe he's trying to keep you company??

  7. I sometimes wonder about that. He often talks when I'm stuck awake in the middle of the night. I've always assumed that perhaps my restlessness brings him out of his really deep sleep (because you don't sleep-talk in REM sleep), and that is why he starts talking then. Of course, there are loads of times when I am asleep and his talking wakes me. And he often talks in the very early hours of the morning, around 6.

  8. That makes sense. REM-deep-sleep goes in cycles, you're completely under for like 2 hours, then REM for an hour or a half, then towards deep again...

  9. I thought REM sleep meant Rapid-Eye-Movement sleep, and that it happens when we dream, if so, wouldn't he be even more prone to talk *during* REM sleep?

  10. during REM sleep you are literally immobilised and therefore unable to talk walk etc. it is when your brain enters the lighter stages of sleep that people are prone to sleep talking, walking etc. - adam

  11. Would really, really like and Australian supplier for merchandise. The worlwide suppliers P&P is just too much :( do you have any plans for expansion?

  12. The tune there is called Brahms's Lullaby.

  13. I want the unicorn one on a coffee mug or a canvas bag. That's just too awesome.

  14. These are golden!

  15. Naw, unicorns should be a little on the small side - slide in better.

    - David

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  16. I loved Adam's lullaby, it made me laugh out loud in the office! xD

  17. Lullaby ringtone please!!!

  18. BTW - Obviously new here. Found out about this site over on Smart Bitches, Trashy Books in a Help A Bitch Out section about a book where the woman gives the hero a hand job while sleeping -


    Anyway, I was reading through your FAQs and was wondering -

    Okay, I totally understand about not wanting to videotape - that's kind of creepy anyway - but since people seem to accept anything a scientist says now adays even if it later turns out to be false - have you ever thought, Adam, about doing one of those sleep studies? Then you could totally have a doctor say, "Yep, Adam talks in his sleep and he's pretty darn funny. He had us in stitches." Then any time someone wishes to flame you saying this is all fake people can just say, "Well, this doctor said it was real" and totally embarrass them. Like how I once embarrassed a teacher who was bashing Thomas Harris' Hannibal when I asked her, "Have you ever READ the book?" and she answered, "No."

    Sorry if I'm a bit - weird - in my writing. It's partly my personality, partly my being sick and having taken both cough medicine and Excendrine Migraine.

  19. I am in love with the lullabye... :-)

  20. wow STM is on a role here.... the second one should be a card for V-day.

    cute lullabye.... gonna save that one for people I don't like, and maybe the ones I do like too. lol

  21. Love the lullaby!!!! My older brother used to sing to me when I was a baby, according to my mom, "Go to sleep, little creep, before I drop you on your head..."

  22. jamisings - i have never thought it necessary for me to have a sleep study. i do not feel i have anything to prove. if someone cannot accept this at face value then i simply do not feel the need to have to go around proving it to them.

    martin - karen is looking into the supplier issue. we are aware of it and will do all we can to rectify this issue.

  23. "It's not lying" should definitely be a shirt or something.

  24. True about the unicorns: the small ones don't have enough power, and the huge ones get lousy mileage..... 7@=Q

  25. cool thanks, you guys make me smile everyday.

  26. The views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam. .... I think STM was purposefully messing me about. ...here is my site where i have a few more articles that may help you in this subject... http://tips-for-better-sleep.com/

  27. Okay, but I was just thinking it could put an end to potential flame wars once and for all. Course I'm the kind of person who loves to rub it into people's faces when they're wrong. (I'm a bottle blonde so people often assume I'm dumb. "HA! Take that! Here's the facts! I'm right, you're wrong! So there!")

    I still think the unicorn one should be on something. That one is my favorite. Especially if it was on a tote with a unicorn on it.

  28. lmao @ the "lullabye" tooooo friggen funny!

  29. "It's not lying if I smile and end with 'I love you.'"
    My weak laugh turned into a coughing fit thanks to the flu. Still made me feel a lot better, ta.

  30. Because there has yet to be a tote bag with that unicorn deal on it, I'll be knitting one up myself. *epicknittingneedlepose*

  31. I prefer unicorns which are small-sized.

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