Oct 20 2010

"Frozen yogurt is ice cream for pussies."
 or click here
"Shhhh. Shhh... Nope. I can't shush myself. Shhh... See? Totally ignoring me. Shhh. Stop it! Argh!"
 or click here
"You're second on my bitch list. Second to your fucking reflection. Tosser."
 or click here


  1. I love ice cream but for some reason frozen yogurt cures my heart burn peach froyo and I are best friends.

  2. I love the way he says 'stop it' xD

  3. Rofl...Adam comes up with the best insults I've ever seen! I have to make sure I'm not drinking anything when I come here each day. I don't think my monitor could handle Pepsi running down the screen.

  4. I think that "Ssh" one belongs in my classroom!! It is exactly what my students do!

  5. Okay, please excuse my ignorance of British euphemisms, but what is a "tosser"? Anyone?

  6. It's roughly equivalent to "wanker".

  7. STM...You're getting funnier and funnier as the days go by.

    I totally look forward to starting my day by reading your ramblings.

  8. lmao every one of these is pure class

  9. STM is like the stock market...sometimes a bit soft and ends with a fizzle. today, STM came roaring back strong and ended on a fantastic high note. time to go invest in the market

  10. lol I like frozen yogurt though....

  11. I like frozen yogurt. I like ice cream too, mind you, but frozen yogurt reminds me of the soft serve mom used to buy me as a child.

  12. I love the second one. "Totally ignoring myself" lolol!

  13. Right, this is completely random, but one of the kids I nanny for introduced me to this poem. Right away I though of STM...


    Vegetarians are cruel unthinking people.
    Everybody knows that carrots scream when they are grated
    That a peach bleeds when torn apart.
    Do you believe an orange insensitive
    to thumbs gouging out its flesh?
    That tomatoes spill their brains
    painlessly? Potatoes, skinned alive
    and boiled, the soil’s little lobsters.
    Don’t tell me it doesn’t hurt
    when peas are ripped from their overcoats,
    the hide flayed off sprouts,
    cabbage shredded, onions beheaded.

    Throw in the trowel and lay down the hoe.
    Mow no more. Let my people go!

    Roger McGough

  14. That second one would make a great ringtone! It seems very true to those times when you're in public and your phone just won't shut up! lol.

  15. Okay but then where does frozen custard belong?

  16. Ha, ha, ha. I've always hated frozen yogurt (and the word "froyo"). But where I live has a Baskin Robbins, a Tutti Melani, a juice place, a frozen yogurt place, and another frozen yogurt place is coming soon. One of my favorite news radio shows did a piece on the proliferation of yogurt shops today and now STM hits the meme. Brain freeze!

  17. I found your site from Pumpkin Delight. I love it. I’m going to poke around a little bit, but don’t worry I’ll put everything back where I found it!!

  18. haha makes me want to start my very own "bitch list"
