Oct 27 2010

"Sniff my hair. Sniff my hair, goddamnit! You dirty little hair-sniffing bitch. Yeaaahhhhh."
 or click here
"You have arrived at your destination. Woohoo! Now fuck off."
 or click here

Karen's notes: Adam has a rather large protrusion on his left cheek. Because he is one of those people who has never in his life had zits (spots in UK-speak), he hypothesizes that this is actually a bit of his brain that got knocked down into his face when he slammed his head into the headboard the other night.


  1. awh crap, lol. if that were true i have hit my head toooooo many times lol

  2. Never had zits?! I wonder if that fact is somehow connected to his nocturnal ramblings?

    BTW, love both of these today!

  3. it is not a 'rather large protrusion', it is a life from of its own. i will call it kevin. and i shall hug it all day long, until it decides to leave home! leave home damn you.

  4. You never get, well, kinda pissed off at one ot another rambling? Like the first one. I know it's sleep talking and not conscious that's just well, some of the sleep talking would have me kicking my partner until he woke up.

  5. Lol - "I will call it Kevin"...perhaps it's not so much that a bit of brain was knocked down by the most recent head vs headboard incident, but more likely your brain is trying to escape to a safer environment =)
    Thanks for the good morning giggle here in Ontario, Canada...eh?

  6. Adam have you ever seen "How to Get Ahead in Advertising" with Richard E. Grant? Not one of his finer films but you may want to keep an eye on Kevin... Jus' sayin'.

  7. Based on the second posting, I don't think STM should ever be a flight attendant!

  8. I've just donated $10 to the monkey fund, in honor of Kevin, the independent life form! I challenge anyone else out there who admires/fears Kevin to donate just $1 to the monkeys! Perhaps Adam will give Kevin an extra squeeze for us. Oh, that might not be a good idea, depending on the "Protrusion's" true identity...(zit?) -greetings from Downeast Maine to Adam, Karen and Kevin

  9. I think hair saloons/barber shops and taxi drivers the world over have slogans now.
    @ Adam - nice job paying tribute to the abominable snow man from the Warner Brothers/bugs bunny cartoons!!!
    hope the headboard was ok fromt he other morning.... really sounded like it cracked. Atleast it did when I thought about it and could breath again.

  10. STM is now talking like he's a Dom/Top/Master. Makes me wonder whom he's talking to.

  11. SO, Adam & Karen, congrats on your new addition to the family. When will the other children get to meet Kevin?

  12. Thank you for the donation!

    By the way, Adam always smells wonderful. He even smells like flowers today, as he used my deodorant! -Karen

  13. Your deodorant? Hah! Wuss! What will it be next, nail varnish? Eyeliner? ;)

  14. thank you karen. thank you very much!

  15. He ran out of his own deodorant this morning, so he was stuck with Lady Mitchum, Flower Fresh. -Karen

  16. Judging by the second one, Adam would have a glittering career on SouthWest Trains...

  17. You two make me laugh. "thank you karen." lolol!

  18. dear karen,
    anything else you'd care to tell us about adam's morning? we're all ears (as you well know).

    <3 turtlesong

  19. URGENT MUST READ! i love this. last year you was on GALAXY RADIO in england over the phone talkin about this. iand i have noticed that some of them are repeated like the "i dont want to die. i love sex and furry animals". does he repeat them or is it something else... like a scam!

  20. The "I don't wanna die! I love sex. And furry animals." was a repeat in honor of the blogs birthday. If you paid attention Karen said that she had listed a bunch of old favorites for us to celebrate the occasion.

    If you really this this blog is a scam then you don't have to read it.

  21. I love how Adam apparently channels a David Thorne attitude when awake; "I will call it Kevin and hug it all day long" had me in stitches.

    (Those of you not familiar with David Thorne but who love STM will adore Thorne's blog as well - http://www.27bslash6.com/strata.html)

  22. And for all you Zim fans out there, remember when Gir put bacon in the soap and Pustolio was born...to take over the earth? Hope Kevin doesnt puy you in some crazy hypnotic state, Adam because that would just be CRAAZY! (See cartoon "Invader Zim"

  23. hey adam and karen... greeting from indonesia :D. I found your site is very hillarious... im also a sleep talker... not as profound as adam though haha...

  24. If zits really are bits of brain, it would explain why I'm so stupid......

  25. yeah for one of the Anonymous I wasn't the only one thinking of Invader Zim :)

    I want that "You have arrived at your destination. Whoohooo! Now fuck off." On my GPS.

  26. I don't think the blog's a scam, but if it was, I'd still read it. Would be a real scam anyway. Just internet comedy! *shuns the nonbelievers*
