Oct 5 2010

"Ooooh! Ow! I've got a paper cut from my cape. Oh. Cape cut… Oh, cupcake. Mmmm, cupcake. Feel the power of my super human cupcake! Don't forget its sidekick, Pink Icing! Extra kick-ass! Cupcake, yeah…. Still cut my finger though."
 or click here
"Where's the floor? The floor's gone. Oh for fuck's sake, the wardrobe's thrown up."

Karen's notes: Oh. My. God. I could not possibly love "cape cut" more. Such an emotional roller-coaster! Grief, awe, triumph... it's all there.

These are both from the nest-egg. Adam may have talked last night, but if he did, you'll have to hear about it later. This post was pre-scheduled last evening so I could leave the house at a horrifying hour to catch a flight to Belfast.

That second one was from MONTHS ago, on one of my recorder mishap mights, so no audio.

Added later: Here's a graphic provided by Flamboyant Gelatinous Kumquat:


  1. Between Ice Cream Valhalla and Super Human Cupcake I'm starting to wonder if Adam is on a diet and STM disapproves.

  2. the wardrobe thrown up- is gold...
    thanks for sharing xo

  3. Love them both! :)

    (Psst! That "its" in the first quote shouldn't have an apostrophe!)

  4. Oh, that's a rather nice glimpse into sleep-logic in the first one... notice how cape-cut reverses itself into cut-cape, which sounds like cupcake, so - yum! Cupcake! And still superhero themed!

    Also, obligatory: *Edna voice* NO CAPES!

  5. "Feel the power of my superhuman cupcake!" Classic.

  6. I did a quick picture for you XD http://i597.photobucket.com/albums/tt58/Insert_Witty_Username/Supercupcake.png?t=1286276865

    @Cat it does need an apostrophe, cause it's saying it belongs to it.

  7. Nope, Kumnquat, 'its' as a possessive does NOT have an apostrophe;only 'it is' as a contraction does.

    The possessive 'its' is a neuter version of 'his' or 'hers'. No apostrophe. http://garyes.stormloader.com/its.html

    If you're ever unsure, you can check your correctness by substituting 'it is'. If it's wrong. than you've used the apostrophe incorrectly.

  8. Pink icing? Kick ass? Oh no my sleep talking friend! It is CHOCOLATE icing that kicks the superior quantity of ass!

    Chocolate is dark and brooding! Chocolate hides in the darkness, and strikes from the shadows! No one sneaks up on chocolate, it is chocolate who does the sneaking!

    Pink icing is gaudy and gay! Pink can be seen for miles! Pink icing is nothing but a moving target! Pink icing will be the first against the wall when those treacherous German Strudels swarm the walls! Then The People will see what their misplaced faith in Pink get's them! And it won't be pretty!

  9. Yes, it's its. lol.

    Anyhoo, lmmfao! That cupcake one is absolutely hilarious! Love it!

    Poor Karen, sorry you had to get up at an ungodly hour!

  10. @Grace Really? Didn't know that O.o I thought it was the same as (for example) "John's" Thanks for telling me ^^

  11. @Stoney Had to make a pic related to your comment XD

  12. an apple for the teacher Grace. i never knew how much grammar I would be learning from this blog.

    and as for icing - Stoney, vanilla cream is the god of all icing, and i will challenge you to an ice cream duel to prove my point.

  13. If you've been reading/listening to this blog long enough you can totally hear Adam's voice as you read the last quote. It's sad and pathetic and adorable in my mind.

  14. You in belfast? oh my god, oh my god,
    oh my god.

    If you need a taxi let me know.

  15. Yes, Adam is right, Vanilla Cream is the god of icing. It can camouflage itself as any other color too! (and can become chocolate if necessary, Stoney) Talk about a super-hero! -Anon in Maine

  16. Fantastic - Someday my dream will come true, the graphic novel series written by Stoney inspired by Adam's sleep talking. Illustrations determined by contest. JK Rowling will have to surrender her literary crown!

  17. oh great.... STM made me hungry.... I wanna go to ice cream vahalla via the icing path. who wants to join me?
    I personally don't care what color the icing is.... as long as it is real icing!!!

  18. By any chance were there or had there been a lot of clothes on the floor the night of the second one. It would explain asking where the floor had gone and that the wardrobe had thrown up!

  19. Atta Gal, Grace! She's right.

    I prefer vanilla too, especially for ice cream.

  20. if karen had a few minutes spare i am sure she would love to say hello in person to those of you in belfast, however i believe she is stuck in meetings all day.

    as for the wardrobe, there are always clothes on the floor....KAREN?!

  21. Oh. Cape cut. :(
    Oh! Cupcake! :)

    So good.

  22. I accept your challenge, Adam, however You will have to come to America, because I, unfortunately, have wound up on the "No fly" list because I, quite loudly, opposed the Iraqi Invasion, and now have to bear the consequences of my political views, as I was a member of an unpopular organization. Here in The United States, it seems, you DO have "Freedom of Speech", however after you are done speaking, the gentleman in black jackets with three letters on the back get to have a go at you! They put your name on all sorts of lists to make your life more interesting and complicated!

  23. Adam, By the way, I love vanilla cream icing, it's just the pink stuff I have a problem with! Here in The United States, they even make florescent pink icing, for those who have no problem with eating sweets that glow in the dark!

  24. super human cupcake...haha. love it.

  25. I like Lizzy's comment because of the smileys on the end. First sad, then happy! :)

    I love smileys. :)

    (no, this had nothing to do with STM, but I did like today's quotes anyway.)

  26. I love that second one :-D

  27. LOL, I write for a living - Grammar Nazi training mandatory.

    @ Nikki "you can totally hear Adam's voice as you read the last quote."

    OMG Yes, exactly! LMAO!

  28. LOL - the second quote could totally be my bedroom right now

  29. My wardrobe has thrown up too! There must be some sort of plague going around. And did anyone hear STM channel Homer Simpson? "Mmmm...cupcake." lol

  30. A dissenting opinion, courtesy of the late, great Frank Zappa:

    "Some people - SOME people prefer cupcakes exclusively; while I say, there is nought, nor ought there be, nothing so exalted on the face of God's Grey Earth, as that Prince of Foods -

    -the MUFFIN."

    - Zappa, "The Muffin Man" 7@=Q

  31. Karen what were you doing in Belfast? :-) I lived there for a year, it's one of my favorite places!

  32. @Anonymous 01:17 I thought Homer Simpson as well, and from now on whenever I see cloths in front of my wardrobe I shall always think it's thrown up:)

  33. All this fighting - personally I like Dark Chocolate mixed with French Vanilla. The power of the two combined is unstoppable bliss!

    Dark Chocolate mixed with Milk Chocolate is pretty good too.

  34. Thank you Grace for explaining what I didn't re: "its" vs "it's". I am a pedant, not a teacher. ;)

  35. Not a teacher either, but my grandfather was a high school English teacher, and as I said - I ghostwrite books and do copy-writing for a living so there you go ;)

  36. http://www.asseenontvguys.com/productimages/as_seen_on_tv_guys/big-top-cupcake.jpg

  37. The cupcake/cape cut one definately needs to be on a t-shirt.

  38. "Feel the power of my super-human cupcake" immediately made me think of this... http://www.mikedidonato.com/category/paintbrush/mspaintcontest/page/9/

  39. No joke, there is a bakery in my neighborhood called Kickass Cupcakes. XD

    (I am sooo far behind on this blog.)

  40. I just had to add this.. I have a four year old.. and as most people know during that stage of learning words children sometimes create their own understanding and words that they hear. So anyways.. my four year old calls cupcakes, Cupcapes! I can't find it in myself to tell him otherwise.

  41. d6q76e6r67 q7n95g4d27 d4f03e5g54 s8x71w5m36 h4j39l1k29 e7n45j1c02
