Jan 20 2011

"I'm beautiful inside and out. Not my fault you're intimidated by my beauty."
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"Ahhh, Agent Hujinikabolokov. We meet again. Fancy tea?"
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Adam provided me with an explanation for this one. I even switched the recorder back on so that he could explain it again for your benefit:

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For those who are still lost, "nick" = steal, and "bollock" = testacle.
KAREN: Ok, Adam, for the benefit of the people out there, would you please explain this quote.
ADAM: It's a joke: What do you call a russian with three testacles?
KAREN: I don't know, what?
ADAM: Hujinikabollokoff.... No one said it was a funny joke. But I still giggle about it.
KAREN: Thank you very much.
ADAM: I love you.
KAREN: I love you.
And, for those who are STILL utterly baffled, the answer is hidden in the comments.


  1. I had to roll that around in my head for a bit before I got it. All I can say is *groan* :P

  2. Ok that is great!

  3. poor agent, having intimidated by stm's eternal beauty will inevitably have a panic attack while drinking his tea and die on the spot, congrats, a well-planned liquidation but... I still don't get the joke. the bollock-ov part is clear but what's at the middle? and the beginning? huge- something? argh.

  4. @terrific (and everyone else who is still puzzled: "Who'd ya nick a bollock off?"

  5. hujinikabollockoff = who'd you nick a bullock off?

    cuz he has three testicles...get it? eh?

  6. I think I might names my firstborn Hujinikabolokof.

  7. ah British humor... nothing like it in the world. roflmao though I admit it did take a little explaining, but still funny none the less.
    I even had the song, "Secret Agent Man" going through my head.

  8. Thank you, Karen for the explanation. I was only part-way there.

  9. @karen - OOOOoooohhhh!! I not ashamed to admit I wasn't getting it. And I gave it a decent shot. I've been wandering around the house this morning muttering it trying to figure it out and replied to my room mates muffled good morning as she shuffled to the coffee maker with "huge steal ball". She stopped in her tracks and turned to look at me as I furiously stared at the pan I was scrambling eggs in well aware I had said it "OUT LOUD" but desperately hoping she was going to let it slide. um, she didn't but I played the "you're not caffeinated yet" card and told her she was confused. You guys sure make mornings interesting around here!!

  10. Please put the beauty quote on a t-shirt!!!! I would wear it ALL THE TIME. (What can I say... I'm confident!)

  11. bee-jee-zus, this was a hard one!

    you both make my morning. every day.


    thank you!

  12. Perhaps, over tea, they can discuss how to deal with their Chinese colleague, Wun Hung-Lo...... 7@=Q

  13. Some where in Canada21 January 2011 at 06:40

    So funny. When my oldest girl was a baby we use to call her "Sockov" because she couldn't keep them on. Ohhh, I can hardly wait for her to find a man!

  14. I love STM, but is the morning wake up comments, or long drawn out conversations between a couple in their waking moments, not slightly taking away from the whole idea of the thing? I love the one liner comments from STM, but sometimes reading the conversations feels just, well ... strange! I don't know if its just me, but please just go back to the SLEEP talking man remarks.

  15. I don't agree with "anonymous" at all. One of my favourite thing about this site is the cute conversations between you two. Often the explanations makes me laugh more than the actual qotes. So please continue posting the background material :)

  16. Well after all we don't have to read the conversations if we don't want to... personally I find a lot of them amusing too.

  17. "I'm beautiful inside and out. Not my fault you're intimidated by my beauty."...you should make that into a ringtone!

  18. Sleep talking man has THREE (3) TESTICLES?!?!?

  19. OMG!!! Hujanikabollokov has been my favourite joke since i was a kid! :oD
    well...that and "What's brown and sticky...? A stick"

  20. After what, 7 days, I finally get it. Wow. Yay one for the dense blonds!

  21. @edna, naw hujianikabollokov has three testicles...

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