Feb 20 2011

"If you make me read Plato, I'm gonna punch you in the penis."
 or click here

This one may also have been inspired by our house guest, who happens to be a professor of philosophy at an impressive university in the States. Of course, that would be a loose inspiration, as this person does not have a penis to go along with her notable breasts.
"No one asks to be born. But everyone thanks god I was."
 or click here

Good to see that STM's sense of self-worth is still healthy.


  1. I'm sooo glad you're back and I get multiple posts each morning...Both are awesome today, thanks!

  2. I think you made a couple of slight mistakes transcribing the one about being born. I heard "asks" instead of "ask," and I also heard a "that" in between "god" and "I," and I hate to be a royal pain, but shouldn't "god" be capitalized in this context? Don't get me wrong, I love you guys and your blog. I just tend to be rather anal about these things.

  3. Btw, these quotes would both make amazing tshirts!

  4. oh my, thank you for my daily laugh!...I'm going to use that Plato one on my friend who is a philosophy instructor.

  5. Karen, your running commentary is almost (and some cases is as) funny as STM's rambles.

  6. I wonder if that line would work on my philosophy professor...

  7. I shudder to think what would happen if a Lit professor tried to make him read 'Beowulf'......... 7@=G

  8. OK... Perhaps in STM's vision, that person has both obnoxious boobs and a penis. Does the visiting professor know about STM and all these?

  9. Maybe STM has been visiting Ugliest Tattoos - http://ugliesttattoos.failblog.org/ - for some reason there's a LOT of tattoos out there with women with big breasts and penises.

  10. Mentioning Plato reminds me of my philosophy course in high school. The only thing I remember from that course is one sentence from the course book which read exactly as follows: "Plato had a romantic idealistic homoerotic relationship with Dijon". That is the only thing I remember from the course, and I still have no idea what it means.

  11. Omg someone just said this today randomly in my philosophy class. This must be where he got it from. Hey Karen and Adam, check out my new post it's f*ckin amazing and about my friends TOTALLY RATIONAL fear of being raped by dolphins! I PROMISE IT KICKS ASS!



  12. Karen, your commentary is fantastic.
