July 22 2011

"I am simply far too busy being passive aggressive to give a shit about you."
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"Respect the librarian. They're the keymasters of bookish power. Heed these words, or I kick you in the nuts."
 or click here


  1. Is STM a passiveaggressivenotes.com fan too? Today's note just happened to be about a librarian!

  2. Hail the librarian! Load-bearing pillars of knowledge! (Please don't hurt me.)

  3. As a bookish person....I could hug STM for demanding respect towards librarians. :D. Lol

  4. Truly a magnificent haul tonight.

  5. I so don't know which one I like better! Great stuff!

  6. I'm with @Snugs72: both are excellent!

  7. Both glorious gems of... wisdom? Hilarity? Chocolate Mousse? Ok, maybe not that last one, but now I'm hungry.

  8. A comment on the issue of library closures in the U.K., perhaps? By the by, I want a "Respect librarians, or I'll kick you in the nuts" T-shirt!

  9. As a librarian, I wholly endorse STM's sentiment. There is an essay that echoes this sentiment, too, that can be found at: http://librarianavengers.org/worship-2/

  10. No love for us library clerks? The ones who do all the checking out, checking in, and get all the verbal abuse over a 25 cent fine?

    You need to have that on a plaque or a magnet so I can buy one for my librarian coworkers.

  11. Pretty sure that first one needs to be a shirt...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. "keymaster of bookish power" will now be my byline and epithet! :)

  14. Frankly, I think both of these are shirt-worthy..... 7@=e

  15. Librarian t-shirt please.

  16. Both are such masterpieces of insight, they both deserve to grace any and all merchandise! The first is a perfect description of exactly what I am going through with He Who Shall Not be Named today, and I am sure we all know someone as frustrating as this. And speaking as a former librarian: Hell yeah!

  17. My boyfriend talks in his sleep and it isnt NEARLY as awesome as STM. However, I can definitely relate to some of the things. And I agree, the first one definitely needs to be a T-shirt

  18. YES! Respect the librarians! ;D (Or we'll kick you in the nuts). It seems strangely appropriate, and tie in nicely with my love of martial arts. >:D

    So, I expect to see these quotes on merchandise? Maybe two libarian quotes. One with "Respect the Librarians. They're the keepers of bookish powers!" and a full quote which include the kick in the nuts. ;)

    The first one is very t-shirt worthy, too.

  19. Twilight Sparkle would agree.

  20. Maybe it's a Warhammer 40,000 Librarian. Scary power-armored superhuman with magic powers. Now that's worthy of respect.

  21. Somehow my über-complicated library work of today doesn't seem so bad if I can call myself a keymaster of bookish power... :D
