Sep 8 2011

"Open your mouth once more, and I swear I'll chew your fucking lips off. Try singing show tunes then, dickwad."
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"I can rebuild the world... in paper-mache. Friggin' awesome!"
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And finally, we have another one of STM's marathon bizarre noise sessions. It's like an alien scatting. Except for that brief little James Cagney impersonation. Anyone else hear that?

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  1. some of it sounds like Simish.

  2. Love the truly odd sounds. STM entertains even when he says nothing.

  3. STM has been watching Pinky & The Brain!


    For those that don't get it - Brain built a 2nd earth called Earth 2 out of paper-mache. He then got everyone on Earth 1 to move by offering free t-shirts. Then an asteroid came by and destroyed Earth 1.

  4. I also heard a chicken and a cuckoo clock. Have you ever tried playing in backwards? Maybe there is a hidden STM message...

  5. A chinese chicken attempting James Cagney, fish (gargling) and cuckoo clock impressions?

    And I'm as curious as Anon 14:10 as to what you'd hear if played backwards.

  6. JamiSings, that was exactly my first thought. I love that episode. It shows a better side of Brain, lol

  7. you know, it never occurred to me until now but you can play individual clips simultaneously and get an exquisite cacophony - no, a symphony of sound

  8. Y'know, the second one would be awesome on print. 8)

  9. Man, that first one is just exactly what I wanted to say to my wife when we were on the five hour drive home after watching Les Misérables.

    Show-tunes should only be sung by professionals, and only in a proper venue.
