Nov 3 2011

"I'm sorry, but not knowing what a horcrux is is a deal-breaker to me. Deal with it, muggle-fucker."
 or click here

I'm so glad that that Harry Potter movie marathon we had this summer paid off.

I've just got to get "Deal with it, muggle-fucker" onto merch. It'll be in the shops later today.


  1. I'm a new reader and I've now laughed myself to tears for three days reading this blog backwards. THANK YOU for sharing this sleeping philosophers' wisdom! And "Deal with it muggle-fucker" could be the best expression ever. I'll make sure to use it in every day conversations from now on.

  2. Totally Awesome.

  3. Hahahahaha! "(...)Not knowing what a horcrux is is a deal-breaker. Deal with it muggle-fucker." Love it! If anyone plays HP rpgs you've got to use this! ;D

  4. OMG before I got on I was just looking at the HP 7 part 2 box set it has horcruxes in it I was like fan girling at the seams by that this just makes it even better

  5. Not only should you get that entire quote on a mug or mouse pad, you should send it along with a copy of the clip to JK Rowling! See what she says!

  6. This is my favorite quote yet! As an enorm ous HP fan, I laughed myself to tears, then rang my sister. This will be quoted by us forever, along with quotes from AVPM!

  7. You should put 'Deal With It, Muggle Fucker' on a T-shirt. You'd get some wicked sales. (:

    I want to make one that says 'I Can't Believe Its Not Butter' with an arrow underneath pointing downwards.

    I don't know why but I find it hilarious.

    You & your hubby have a lovely day!


  8. Wow, does STM read overheard in New York?


  9. I am a new reader to this blog and have laughed myself silly for the last 3 days! I have shared it with everyone in the house too!
    Thank you for sharing xx

  10. Huge HP fan and I plan on using this often!

  11. I've been reading these too much! I sleep talk aswell and STM is being a bad influence on my sleeping personality! I woke up saying "you shall only wear the finest wine" and I thought it was darth vader saying it!

  12. WHAT THE HELL IS A HUFFLEPUFF?!?!?!?!?!????

  13. @Anon 5:35: Nah, you were probably just channeling Orson Welles..... 7@=Q

  14. this gave me an idea. here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.309800605698862.96213.185801614765429&type=3
