May 14 2012

"I swear, if I ever have to listen to you, I'll claw my ears off, and fill the bloody gaping holes with decaying afterbirth."
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A lovely birthday wish to me. Thanks, STM!


  1. STM appears confident in his easy access to afterbirth (human, I assume). He's implied somewhat similar capabilities before, as well. I do hope STM doesn't work in a hospital. That would be a lot of dead patients.

    1. STM would acquire a lot of dead patients, though afterbirth has almost nothing to do with the once living... The afterbirth comment was so gross, I shared it with ma and she gagged. Perfect response to a perfect insult by STM. I'm going to use this in the future, I think.

    2. He doesn't even have to be a doctor. STM as a random janitor in a hospital would still manage to slaughter half of the patients, I'm sure.

  2. Happy Belated(?) Birthday :-)

  3. I read this whilst on the phone with a friend. I actually spit my coffee across the room. Thank you for the moment. :)

  4. I will assume this is real and maybe god is trying to talk through adma while hes asleep

  5. When I " wake up" im always a little ok alot dissoriented. So whoever woke me up gets asked some pretty weird things. Once my dad woke me up and apparently i asked him if he had finished making a brown paper plate with my name on it.

  6. my tweet for today @justinbieber

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