Jun 18 2012

"I can't believe you're proud of your essay. It's like you ate three cans of Alphabetti Spaghetti, and threw up all over the paper. Seriously, this is shit."
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On behalf of the Americans, I presume that Alphabetti Spaghetti is the approximate equivalent of SpaghettiOs.


  1. Nah, we have Spaghetti0s, they are Spaghetti Hoops.

    Alphabetti Spaghetti is pasta in the shapes of letters.

  2. Bobski's right. "Alphabetti Spaghetti" would be the equivalent of the "ABC's & 123's" pasta, from the same types of people - Chef Boyardee, Campbell's, etc.

  3. alphabet soup, loved taking out one letter at a time.

  4. Ugh, I know this feeling. I get it fairly often when reading the stuff some people write. At least try to get it right, please. Just try using grammar every once in a while. Thank you.

  5. To put it in blurb-speak: "Visceral writing: the contents of the author's soul literally spill onto the page..." 7@=Q

  6. Love to see this on a shirt or greeting card or mouse pad or....

  7. I feel this way all too often when working with some of my other classmates. I would love to share these words with them. Too bad I'm not as forward as STM.

  8. In Canada (and the USA?) it'd be "Alphagetti" that was puked up all over the paper.

  9. Lol! Quoting Little Britain in his sleep... Your husband is awesome

  10. Or Alphaghetti in Canada.

  11. Kuliner Citarasa Ayam Betutu – Ayam betutu sebagai masakan ciri khas Bali, https://anekamenu-masakan.com/ menurut pakar Gastronomi, Betutu adalah kulineran nusantara.

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