Sep 3 2012

"You know what they say: Cometh the hour, cometh the awethomeneth."
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Love that lisp!

This utterance caused me to research from whence cometh the phrase "Cometh the hour, cometh the man." It actually originated during a game of cricket! Oh, those witty bowlers.


  1. Thleep Talkin man ith the awethometht!

  2. I do believe he actually said, "Cometh the hour, cometh the awesomeness."
    I've no idea what "awethomeneth" is, but "awesomeness" makes sense.

  3. I do believe he actually said, "Cometh the hour, cometh the awesomeness."
    I've no idea what "awethomeneth" is, but "awesomeness" makes sense.

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