Some content on this page is not suitable for young eyes or faint hearts.
Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


May 4 2010

"Oh shit. It's the munchkin sing-song. Kick 'em in their mouths, the tuneless fucking freaks."

 or click here
"It's Captain Fluffer! Hero to teenage boys."
 or click here

Karen's notes: These were from Saturday morning. We'd already woken up, I'd blogged, Adam decided to have an extra little snooze, and started blabbing.

Because I can only assume that the first one makes at least a few people cringe as much as it makes me cringe, I want to let you all know, yet again, that Adam awake is a very sweet, good-natured, non-violent guy.

As for Captain Fluffer, I had to explain the term "fluffer" to Adam. For those who aren't familiar, I suggest Wikipedia.


  1. Isnt he saying "hero", not "here" in that second one? That would make a lot more sense, especially when you know what fluffer means! ;)

  2. Yup - hero to teenage boys...

  3. this blog cheers me up EVERY morning!!! captain fluffer to the rescue indeed.

  4. I must agree I think it is hero to teenage boys...

  5. The munchkin one is AWESOME! Rofl!

    And I think it's "hero" as well, not "here", although I'm sure it's just a typo.

  6. It's definitely "hero" in the second one.

  7. Oops, sorry, the "here" was just a typo. -Karen

  8. Karen, did you know about "fluffer" before you looked it up in Wikipedia? YIKES!!

  9. NewMexicanAnnie4 May 2010 at 08:27

    Being a "fluffer" must be one of the crappiest jobs in movie making!

    Thanks, Adam and Karen! TERRIFIC job as always!!!!!!!!

    Special thanks to Karen for always fulfilling our merchandise requests.

    I have two of my STM mugs at work. One's handle broke, so I use it for my sugar-free candy holder. It's the "Don't leave the duck there" one and I use the "No pens here...I'm in crayon heaven" for my pen holder. The doc I work for read both of those and absolutely broke out laughing. She LOVES them!!!!! And the patients who can read and take the time to do so love them, too.

  10. interesting that Adam uses terms that he is unaware of while awake...fluffer, hero to teeage boys indeedy do ;)

  11. Why am I intrigued by a munchkin sing-song? Would it be after hours in Oz gathered around a campfire?

  12. The Munchkin Song featured on UK comedy Red Dwarf at one point. Could this be what STM is referring to?

  13. Seems like we just discovered something about Adam's nocturnal alter-ego: he's gay. Does "Captain Fluffer" sound like a female superhero to anyone?

  14. Captains can be female, ask my Mum!

  15. IMO that second one is pretty creepy too! -Even though Captain Fluff could be a female.

    Do I dare ask what happened to ProfZ...?

  16. I'm currently involved in a production of Wizard of Oz. The munchkins (about 30 or so little kids) can get on your nerves because they talk when you're trying to work, and generally require someone to herd them. That and their voices when they sing are all so high-pitched. It ceases to be cute about an hour and a half into the rehearsal.

  17. I can imagine walking around wearing a tee that says "Oh shit. It's the munchkin sing-song"

    ...and just seeing the looks I would get.

  18. I love to come here when i woke up in the morning, your blog works for me like bed tea:D .

  19. Its really an honor for me to be a part of this blog, i am really enjoying here.

  20. Looking up what a fluffer is...not the greatest idea for work. /facepalm

  21. Here in Australia fluff can also mean fart!

  22. Aaaand now I'm scarred for life. Lmao!

  23. Never commented before but LOL every day at this blog and today I'm in need of new undies. Fluffer indeed.

  24. "I can imagine walking around wearing a tee that says "'Oh shit. It's the munchkin sing-song'"

    I read that comment and got the mental image of Anonymous above the poster who made it wearing it to rehearsal while herding the little munchkins about. I admit to feeling like a terrible human being once I stopped laughing and cleaned the coffee off my monitor. :D

    ...and I'm gonna just pretend I didn't take Karen's advice and wiki "fluffer." My world was so much happier without that knowledge...

  25. Just looked up fluffer...Best delete my work internet browsing history...

  26. "Looking up what a fluffer is...not the greatest idea for work. /facepalm "


    (wonder what it says about me that I KNEW what a fluffer was...)

  27. It's ok Grace, I knew too. LOL Also, when I was a kid, my babysitter called farts "fluffs" because it was "a nicer word". If she only knew. hehe

    warbles "We welcome you to munchkin land..." I will have that stuck in my head the rest of the day, thanks so much.

    I was wondering about Prof Z too. I miss his rambling prose.

  28. At least Captain Fluffer wasn't hero to the munchkins.

  29. OMG, please tell me you're going to make the Captain Fluffer quote as a Tshirt or something??? I have just the person in mind who needs one of those! xD

  30. So what did Adam think fluffer meant? Surely he didn't intend the term he didn't know?

  31. I thought Fluff was tooting, so I had to look it up. Had no clue. My Grandma Fluffy isn't going to like this.

  32. oh. my. god. Actually knew what a fluffer was, in the vaguest of senses, but after everyone's reactions, looked it up anyways. Never thought about the gay angle. And wiki has a PHOTO! /facepalm

  33. Hahahaha. The most disturbing thing to me was that in a few days, a bunch of my friends are going to be in a production of The Wizard of Oz, and several are playing munchkins. I hope they don't get kicked in the mouth. XD

  34. Karen's veiled warning was kind of like knowing there's a train wreck and yet looking anyway... The fact that she said "I'd suggest Wikipedia" rather than explaining it herself was a kind of clue, but my curious brain went looking anyway.

    Oh my. And yes, Wiki has a photo. Thank God I was reading this at home, not at work! That's possibly a job you'd conveniently forget to include on your CV, hmmm?

  35. I must be very cosmopolitan, I knew what a "fluffer" was, and I know what a "Phone actress" does... There are some things you never share.

  36. lol I'm afraid I'm among the depraved folks who already knew the term 'Fluffer'.

    /hides face in shame. =P

  37. After working in the treatment center / rehab industry for many years not only do I know what a fluffer is, I have actually known some who were.
    I have to say I almost peed my self at these quotes!!!!!! Offensive? YES!!! FUNNY AS HELL? MOST DEFIANTLY!!!!

  38. How funny I just explained what a fluffer was to my partner the other day. He knew it had to do with the porn biz but thought they fluffed up pubic hair, lmao.

  39. LOL, I just found out what a Fluffer was a couple weeks ago!

    Received my "I'm gonna have a good day shirt" today!!! LOVE IT!!! Have to agree with another commenter...need some larger sizes :-(

    Thanks Karen, Adam and STM!!!

  40. Yikes! I already knew what a "fluffer" was... I'll follow Joolz and hide my face in shame! lol
    We also do use the term fluffy for passing gas in our house - thank God the kids are too young to be searching Wiki!
    Thanks for the laughs, again & again K&A! :)

  41. I wikied 'fluffer' - this was my reaction '0'
    Wonder how STM uses words that Adam doesn't know.
    Anyhow love your posts as usual.

  42. 2manywhiskers5 May 2010 at 03:38

    oh boy... The STM learning curve threw us (well, most of us!) a curve ball today!

    Gotta admit the first one definitely did make me cringe. But I never have any doubts about waking Adam's personality and attitude. :)

  43. If "Captain Fluffer" was a woman, she would have been a heroine, not a hero to young boys.... thus, "Captain Fluffer" must indeed be of the male persuasion....

  44. Captain wrong would it be to put that on a shirt or mug? all the people just staring at you!
    Also, Sleep talkin seems such a strange topic, there was the time he spoke French and now he says things he doesn't know the meaning of.

  45. I would have NO trouble wearing a Captain Fluffer shirt. I'm quite secure in myself and though I am gay, it would be LEGAL teenaged boys that I might be a hero of. xD

  46. NewMexicanAnnie6 May 2010 at 07:13

    I LOVED the comments today! Funnier than usual because of the Captain Fluffer thing.

  47. One is never too old to learn something new.

  48. Manners class as a child taught us to say "excuse me for fluffing" or "breaking wind". i did know what fluffers do on the set as well though, lol! but wonder if maybe adam was referring to the former use!

  49. OMG LOL!

  50. The second on makes me cringe more. Not sure I would have posted that one due to the implications.

  51. Captain wrong would it be to put that on a shirt or mug? all the people just staring at you!
