Some content on this page is not suitable for young eyes or faint hearts.
Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


July 30 2010

"Seriously, do the words 'You're an idiot' confuse you? Yeah, you see you're sweating now. Typical..... See? Even Google's got you on its list of fuck-ups."

 or click here

Karen's notes: My favorite part is that long pause. It's like he's actually taking the time to Google the term "fuck-up".

Merch news: The shirt shop just surprised us with ANOTHER special for this weekend: FREE SHIPPING!! No minimum purchase! Look to the left for details.


  1. That is toooooo funny! Love that long pause too!

  2. That's awesome!! I wanna see this list too. STM, please, tell us where google keeps this list!

  3. "Even Google's got you on its list of fuck-ups."
    that's going to be one of my new favorite insults.

  4. STM you are the dude!! love the insult. might have to use that today.

  5. Happy (belated)anniversary K&A! I missed my STM fix while we were away on vacay - love that there was so much to read and listen to when we got back! - I totally love Koala Man, that's my kind of superhero!

  6. OKay... seriously, you tape this? LoL

  7. I do! On a voice-activated recorder!

  8. During that pause I imagine STM looking you up on the tinternet, then turning the monitor towards you and pointing at it, before saying "see?".....Heh heh heh

  9. I wonder who the idiot he was talking to was... Hmmm...there are so many choices to choose from -- and no Karen I know you're not on that list. You're the exact opposite. You're first on the 'amazing people' list! :p

  10. @Stoney Or you for thinking Obama is more intelligent..... well then my dog.

  11. @Drmgiver Wow, must be humbling for you to live with a canine so intelligent.

  12. There should be a seperate page for STM insults and STM compliments (of course, the second page would be a lot smaller! lol).

  13. This is one major blog. Thanks always makes laugh in the morning.
