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Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


Sep 14 2011

"Why pray, when you can Google?"

 or click here

Wow, man. That's deeeeeep.


  1. Because google sucks and God doesn't. I rarely find what I'm looking/asking for with google. Unless I pray that it finally gives me the results I want.

  2. Lol. They call me google queen at work because I'm always looking up stuff.... Though annoying that first result with google is nearly always from "Wikipedia"; at least google will tell you if it can't find/ give you what you want... Praying you have to wait and see and I'm horribly impatient :)

  3. Because no one says "Google is in the details". STM, this was a clever one. pft!

  4. I couldn't agree more with STM.

  5. Okay, I need that on something! :D I love research and searching!

    And beside we all know Google is God. ;) Lol.

  6. I don't usually post comments, but this needs to go on a t-shirt ASAP.

  7. I would copyright that and offer it to google as a slogan. either that or put it on a t-shirt, mug, etc etc.

  8. I think that learning how to Google should be a subject in school...

  9. This would be awesome on a laptop bag, I would definately buy it lol

  10. Same! usually dont comment, but this is special. t-shirt, mug, whatever I can use to secretly show my atheism rofl. go STM!

  11. i've been reading and listening to these for at least half and hour now and this is one of the best by far and the truest.

  12. Lol google is my answer to everything and this happened on my birthday haha

  13. what a amazing discover - can't hold out to determine whatever you 2 produce! Diablo III items
