Mar 2 2011


"Don't pick me last. No, please. Oh, you bastard! Now I'm not going to play... I know I'm sulking. You can fucking suck my fat one."
 or click here
"I don't wanna go down the slide. It's too high. Far too high. Wheeeeeeeeeeee!...... I feel sick now."
 or click here
"Finger painting's fun. I need to get some more fingers, though. Give me your fingers. Oh fuck it, I'll just cut 'em off. You've got pretty fingers. I can do some pretty painting with those pretty fingers. Toes, I can use toes! Yay! I'm sorted. Fingers and toes."
 or click here
"(in a cute sing-song) Pee-po... Pee-po... Pee-po. (now with angry forcefulness) You are SO gonna play my game, otherwise I WILL poke out your eye and skull-fuck you. Okay?"
 or click here


  1. Last one: full of magic and win.

  2. sounds like someone had a bad day at school!

  3. Must've had to hire a social secretary to keep track of a the kids lining up be friends in grade school.

  4. Once again, STM gives us a brilliant coping method for daily life: how many of us could have used the refuse-to-participate strategy in gym in elementary and high school? That'll teach those sadistic gym teachers to let the popular kids pick teams! Let's all share this method with our children.

  5. Benjamin Sutton2 March 2011 at 16:56

    "Gimmie your fingers" *cuts off fingers and takes them* "Oh never mind I can just use my toes :)."

    Leave it to STM to steal some poor chaps fingers and then decide he doesn't need them...

  6. Hahaha lol! I love STM! Check out my blog askauntieangelique.blogspot.com

  7. Hah , the last one reminds me of a bit out of Full metal jacket. Y'know the bit where they first meet the drill instructer
