June 3 2011

"I can't find my elbows. I've got no elbows! Where do I get new elbows from? No, that's a KNEE shop, I need an elbow. Oh, bugger. Elbow shop, where are you?... Found it! Right, I'll be back in two days. Off to get some elbows. Want any?"
 or click here

So, I guess that it takes them two days to fit a new set of elbows?
"I've got worms in the shed. A gardener's freakin' nightmare. Seriously. Oh fuck…"
 or click here

Too bad I had stopped the recorder this morning just after we woke up. When I played this last one for Adam, he did a brilliant voice-over for the coming blockbuster Worms In a Shed.


  1. I hear "The gardeners" and you forgot the repeat on the end....the high oh, its too cute

  2. First one is where does "one" get new elbows from :)

  3. He sounds so sinister saying "off to get some elbows" like it's a dangerous task from which he may not return :D

  4. Haha! Gotta love the ads (on the left had side of the screen)! This one brought up, "The first PURPOSE BUILT device for treating tennis elbow pain." ... Apparently, all the others were built with no purpose at all.

  5. So, off upon his quest he goes,
    Pour acheter des coudes nouveaux;
    Alas, 'twill take more than one day
    Pour lui faire les bras plier......

    That's what you call an elbow macaronic..... 7@=Q

  6. Quite sure elbows come from Elbow, Saskatchewan, Canada.

  7. Elbow macaronic... awesome.

  8. I'm imagining STM as a robot, who has lost its elbows. Must make it pretty hard doing things, with no elbows.
