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Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


Sep 19 2010

"Oh. My. God. You are seriously a thrombosed external hemorrhoid on life, aren't you? Uch... Uch."

 or click here
"Has that got a flash? Great, do with a flash with that. Yeah. Very good flash. Ching, now that's what I call a flash. Right then, pants on, let's go!"
 or click here

Karen's notes: His cadence in that second one sounds very Austin Powers, doncha think?


  1. "Oh. My. God."

    Adam sounds just like a teenage girl. It was perfect.

  2. "Right then. Pants on, let's go" Clearly this should be on a t-shirt.

  3. LMAO! "Right then, pants on, let's go" - so everything up to that point was sans pants... with a camera??

  4. Either Austin Powers or David Frost. So hard to tell the difference.

  5. .... A thrombosed external hemorrhoid on life.... yep, can think of a few people like that! lol
    You two are still helping my mornings start off with a smile.... wait.. you three? lol

  6. OMG... as a nursing student, I am cracking up at "thrombosed external hemorroid on life." I have to remember that one! lol

  7. "Right then, pants on, let's go" - my new catchphrase!

  8. I don't think I want to know what STM was doing with a flash and pants off......

  9. Oh my. I was having a really bad day up until I listened to that second one. Thank you Karen and Adam for making me crack a smile! :)

  10. I think the flash in that second one was the lack of pants.

  11. flash and sans pants.... I'm not gonna touch that one.

  12. STP thank you for thrombosed external hemorrhoid on life! Especially amusing to me as I happen to be a GI nurse! I need a coffee cup, mouse pad, whatever I can get with that quote!!!

  13. WTF -"You are seriously a thrombosed external hemorrhoid on life" Now thats a mouthful.
