Some content on this page is not suitable for young eyes or faint hearts.
Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


Dec 12 2010

"Your words are falling on deaf ears. You know, this is what I hear...... Get the hint? Fuck off."

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  1. stm would answer the phone when someone has something rather important to say what can not be communicated in an electronic form, he would have heard what he wanted to hear.

    no one can be blamed for that though.

  2. STM just gave me the next thing the next telemarketer is going to hear!

  3. yea, I gonna tell the same when I go back to my psychiatrist on thursday. I wanna talk to someone about this who might be involved in my condition on wednesday late afternoon, in case that verynicepersonandsuch is reading this...

  4. stoney - yessss!

  5. He could undergo hypnosis to improve his memory, so he could remember his dreams- and whom he's been insulting all this time (from what I have read, he does not remember his dreams, does he?)

  6. Then again, do we want a visual into STM's world?

    Wow, this is harsh but oh, so useful.

  7. If you read the FAQ it states he DOESNT talk during dream time (REM), so actually has no correlation to his dreams.

  8. Striking sarcasm. Love it. In fact, I'm slowly developing a slight man crush on STM. I wish I could find a woman who would be like STM, but awake.

  9. Best comedy ever, smt is a god.

  10. I know this is a couple years later...but I am a deaf man (no i'm not offended, stay with me here) At work, when I missed what someone had said and they looked particularly peeved, I say "oops, sorry, fell on deaf ears I guess."

    Now to the point ;) I absolutely want this on a shirt in its entirety. Fits my sass to a tee. Loving all of this!

  11. Nothing more worse than deaf ears.
