Some content on this page is not suitable for young eyes or faint hearts.
Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


Aug 17 2011

"Now listen, Mr. Dickhead Knobcheese Ballyfuck, I would highly recommend a name change. Something short and snappy... 'Cunt' would suffice."

 or click here
"A rodent with a machine gun: rat-ta-tat-ta-tat, rat-ta-tat-ta-tat-ta-tat, rat-ta-tat-ta-tat-ta-tat. Sweet!"
 or click here

Haha. Get it? Rodent. Rat-a-tat. Ha.


  1. Karen and Adam... I was in the shop just now, looking at apparel for my soon to be nephew or niece, and am dying to see stats for the quotes insofar as sales go. I mean, how many people have actually had the guts to order "I'm Captain Bollocks of the Good Ship Scrotum"???!!! Inquiring minds want to know!

  2. Rodent with a machine gun needs an artists rendering, don't you think??? Could be awesome-sauce!

  3. Donna I thought exactly the same... and couldn't resist :

  4. Yeah, I think its probably "Baldy-fuck". Another fantastic line to share with my friends though. Fantastic!

  5. The best part is that there's a pokémon by the name of ratatta
