Some content on this page is not suitable for young eyes or faint hearts.
Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


Oct 18 2011

"Watching you dance does remind me of a dyspraxic ice-skating octopus I once had."

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And then, Adam's delightful awakening:

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KAREN: Do you know what you just said?
ADAM: ... Jacket?
KAREN: No. I don't think so.
ADAM: I have a horrible feeling that I saw something horrible before I woke up.
KAREN: What?
ADAM: I don't quite remember.
KAREN: Well, what you said is a word that... sounds a little bit like jacket.
ADAM: Maggot... Does it rhyme with jacket?
ADAM: Well, why don't you tell me what the word is.
KAREN: Okay...
ADAM: Are you cringing?
KAREN: Yeah.
ADAM: Aw, no. Is it that bad?
KAREN: No, I guess not. Um, I'm pretty sure you just yelled "ejaculate."
ADAM: That would make sense. I had that feeling that there was something horrible coming towards me.
KAREN: Well, does that help you remember what you actually saw?
ADAM: Probably a whole load of ejaculate.


  1. If I had a horrible dream in which that was approaching, I wouldn't call it ejaculate. I'd hate to be that octopus trying to elude it too.

  2. Who else had to look up dyspraxic? I love that you two start your day by laughing.

  3. I had to look up dyspraxic - I find it interesting that STM uses words like this, does Adam know what dyspraxia is, or did he have to look it up too!

  4. I know this is weird, but I get the feeling from your early morning half-asleep random chats that the two of your are soulmates. :)

  5. I probably shouldn't be eating while reading this blog. And in the case of the above conversation, I *really* shouldn't be eating vanilla yogurt.

  6. Effortless comedy legends, you guys ;-)

  7. Hahaha my sister is exactly the same, only she yells ;)

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