Some content on this page is not suitable for young eyes or faint hearts.
Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


Mar 30 2010

(Poor little Molly the dog is chewing on her foot)

"Nibbling. Stop your nibbling. Always with the nibbling. Nibble my fucking fist! That'll stop your nibbling. Can't nibble with no teeth."

"Damn you lentil gods. Banish thee and your evil produce!"

"Thunder... Thunder- Thundercats are cool. Except for the little ginger one. There's always the ginger one."

 or click here

I assume he's talking about this one:

And in response to requests, here's Molly the little beagle:


  1. aww... poor Snarf

  2. Snarf Snarf! Aww.... maybe if he said something interesting once in a while...

  3. This blog cracks me up daily. Thank you.

  4. Snarf always annoyed the f*ck out of me as well. Totally not cool.

  5. Did Molly think she was in trouble? I bet Molly was thinking... "Oh yeah? Well nibble this Adam!"

    The lentil gods LOL!!

  6. Oh... and can we please see the ever suffering Molly?

  7. Molly's a beagle! Best dog there is. Sounds like she has allergies like ours, tho, with all the foot chewing.

  8. I would've thought Wily Kat. I mean, him and Wily Kit may both be redheads, but girls don't get picked on *quite* as much for being ginger as boys. Or they didn't when I was at school anyway, things have probably changed in the many years inbetween... XD

  9. It seems to me that quite a number of them are redheads in some sense or another. I mean, the main guys has a head of flaming red hair, and the two kiddies, and even the tiger, one could argue, is ginger. It's a wonder sleep talkin man likes the Thunder Cats at all!

  10. molly is demi-ginger!!! what is the world coming to?

  11. Molly is the most beautiful doggy in the world, and she loves you, so you just watch it, buddy!

  12. Wow. The thundercats comment... Wow. :D

    As brother to 2 gingers and and uncle to 2 more gingers... I have to agree. There's always the ginger one.

  13. i love her to bits and pieces, even the ginger bits. i love you more though.

  14. our beagle is named Molly, too! Great name for a pup :)

  15. never watched thundercats, but i remember them.

    TOTALLY agree with STM on the lentil things...vile, disgusting crap!!!

    Molly is sooooo cute!

  16. The Thundercats one cracked me up so much that my boss came over to ask what I was laughing about.

    I don't understand the animosity toward gingers though. My crush in kindergarten was a boy with red hair, and I've often wished I was a natural redhead (I'm not, but I have dyed my hair various shades of red, ranging from strawberry blond to flaming red).

    @adam: I would say "get a room you two!" but you've already got one.

  17. Ah great! Now I will have the Thundercats song in my head for a good portion of the day. "Thun-der-CATS! Wooo-ooooh-oooo-oooh Thun-der-CATS!" haha.

    Molly is adorable. Snarf is not, but I never thought to call him the ginger one. UNTIL NOW.

  18. "Karen S-L said...
    It seems to me that quite a number of them are redheads in some sense or another. I mean, the main guys has a head of flaming red hair, and the two kiddies, and even the tiger, one could argue, is ginger.!"

    Karen this is exactly what I thought too after looking at the photo!

    Aww, look at Molly's sweet face! Thanks for the pic of her. I love it when she does something that effects STM.

  19. I loveed the thunder cats part. I use to watch that when I was younger. I think that should totally become a shirt with the pic on it aswell. I would totally buy at least 1. :)

  20. Karen - be honest now - do you sometimes have to edit out specific names of people that Adam is saying less than polite things about? it seems a number of his comments are in work situations......

    Go thundercats!

    gavin from oz

  21. Actually, Adam has never said a name. The only exception was a couple of weeks ago, when he address his mum.

  22. Does Molly have allergies?

  23. Molly is gorgeous, Beagles are great little dogs :). Could she be allergic to the grass pollens at this time of year and they're irritating her little feet? I hope they stop itching soon :)

  24. Aww. Poor Snarf. We named one of our cats that. Very loving, sweet cat.

  25. Been reading this blog for some time now, and it's totally hilariuos. I even tell my students to check it out due to Adams awesome comments (they gotta have some fun during the lessons, right?)
    Adam is so totally schmuck as Sleeptalkinman, it's hard to believe that he's even bearable when he's awake. I love you guys, though! Keep up the good work, this blog always makes my day! =)
    love from Sweden <3

  26. "...lentil gods...."

    Every notice that an anagram of "lentil gods" is "telling sod"??? It's a conspiracy, I tell ya! :-p

  27. Molly could be chewing on her foot if she needs a nail trim - dogs will do that, try to take matters into their own hands :)

  28. Molly is such a lovely dog! She may be chewing on her foot because of overgrooming or having an OCD. Thanks Karen for posts :)

  29. Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer30 March 2010 at 18:16

    Good Molly (the sweety she is) is nimbler than the nibblin' gnawing the bone that feeds her and just doing her own teething this treat is lickity split if anything comes her way..with a toothy smile for a hit'n shot for miss. eagleeye be...agle...

    Molly is wise to any surprise in a toothless fairy dreamer all produced on a bed of lentils pillowing out as the new ginger-rogers thundering cool dog and cat product sensation in the pet world of luxury items...

    and it's superb strength in song and dance wearability to curb Adams enthusiasm for those yellow to red-orange to green, brown, black and white with Red the standout in a skinned, deskinned, whole or split variety gingerly stuffed in Thundera for durability from evil bannishment, cartooned, with cat scratch fever and dog whispered; all whackproofed; to dream on...

  30. HAHAHAHAAA!!! My English boyfriend just explained the taint of being a ginger. This is perfect!!

  31. My boxer puppy chews on her feet all the time, and the best answer I can come up with is that she's bored. We've checked for allergies, trimmed her nails, but she always seems to chew on her feet when she's bored and the rest of us aren't paying attention to her. You can also get her to do it by moving her paw in front of her face.

    I loved the lentil and ginger comments! I'm not fond of lentils either, though I do like gingers (Harry Potter made me more sympathetic to them).

  32. Maybe Molly is chewing on her foot because it tastes like chicken.

  33. Perhaps Noddy is on to something! With the appropriate decryption methods, we might find these 'lentil gods' to be less formidable than they seem. Instead of the fearsome leguminous pantheon, there is only a 'single dolt', accompanied by 'ten ill dogs' tottering on 'old tin legs'. Their pretended powers are merely an attempt to recapture some of the 'old tingles' they got from the worship of primitive agriculturalists, back when they were on the 'golden list'..... 7@=Q

  34. lol - love the anagrams Noddy and LA/wts!
    Molly is so cute Karen & Adam - I adore her sad little eyes!

  35. Aw - pay him no mind, Molly!

    Great laughs -
    "there's always the ginger one..."
    a Lentil Balrog - wow - there's an image,
    and yeah, the anagrams rock!!

    I have to admit that I like lentils.

  36. Molly is a sweeheart! I used to have a little Beagle named Molly.

  37. When I first saw that picture of Molly I thought that the rawhide (I'm assuming it's rawhide) she had in front of her was her foot.

  38. LizyBeer... any chance your english boyfriend could enlighten the uninitiated? I'm dying of curiosity now.

  39. Molly is adorable. My dog Bosley does the same thing, think it's a self comfort thng. He's pitt bull beagle mix, same sweet face as Molly, but with the pitt's squared head.

    The thought of a lentil balrog is going to haunt my dreams tonight.

  40. Thundercats, HOOOOO!

  41. Thunder, thunder, Thunder Cats HOOOOOOOO!

  42. Awwww Molly is SO cute! I have a beagle too, they are the sweetest things!

  43. molly is terribly cute :)

  44. We have a beagle who's name is Molly also!! She's tricolored though ... you're Molly is beautiful!

  45. Mybe the "thunder cat" is from the warrior series (it's a popular series in America it about four clans of wild cats and the main cat is firepaw a Ginger cat.
