Some content on this page is not suitable for young eyes or faint hearts.
Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


Nov 14 2011

"I have feelings for you... The kind of feelings that hide under the bed and scare the living shit out of you."

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"Put the croissant down. Your fancy pastry ways aren't welcome here."
 or click here


  1. The croissant comment makes me think of a "Married...With Children" episode where Al Bundy said something similar while mimicking Moses, holding guitar halves, and gave out 9 crude commandments. Wonder what this girl I'm hanging around lately would think if I uttered the first one to her?

  2. This is so perfect because I'm in a French culinary school right now learning "fancy pastry ways"...and my croissants were quite good actually. He should be sorry that he shunned them :P
    Love you guys, this site routinely makes my day!
    ~Ali from Chicago

  3. You really need a line of cards, greeting cards for any occasion. I would happily buy these in place of the sappy options you find most places!

  4. Thanks for providing such a great information here.
    Actually,I was looking forward to such a info.I really appreciate it.Hope to see such a informative stuff in future!

  5. My hats off to everyone that's out there helping and for the rest who are making it possible for them to be there.

  6. I have feelings for you, like those scary things hiding under the bed that pop out at the worst times. But don’t worry; it's less terrifying than getting hit by a rogue croissant while playing Funny Shooter 2 . Put that pastry down; there’s a wild game waiting for you instead!
