Some content on this page is not suitable for young eyes or faint hearts.
Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


July 16 2011

"Oh, there are some noises that really bug the shit out of me. Your talking... and your breathing."

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"I said paint it green. Green! Not— what colour is that? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Not pretty."
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  1. I know quite a few... well more than a few that I feel about with the first one.
    now I'm curious as to what color it was painted.... was it fusca? it's not a pretty color imho

  2. What colour is fusca...I believe you mean fuschia but in terms of STM...fusca would probably fit better with the 'not pretty' color :)

  3. I'm sure the color he means is Snooki orange. (If you don't know who Snooki is, do yourself a favor, don't google the little fake tan troll.)

  4. Probably that muddy "every-tube-in-the-paintbox" color...... 7X=Q

  5. Whatever it is, I hope it's not a colour out of space.
