Some content on this page is not suitable for young eyes or faint hearts.
Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


Dec 7 2012

"Ooh! Straight-jackets online! Christmas sorted."

 or click here
"No, you can't bring your furry grommets in here. I said no! I swear, you bring those furry little critters in here, I'm gonna do some head stomping. Yeah, fucking furry grommet head stomping. Stomp. Stomp stomp. Squishy squishy squishy squish. See? Yeahhh."
 or click here

And the illuminating reveal:

 or click here
ADAM: Grommets are things you get in your ears, aren't they? What are grommets? I'm thinking of a little furry thing, I don't know what a grommet is.
KAREN: Okay, grommets are not furry by nature.
KAREN: Grommets are usually metal things that you put into material. The sashes for the curtains.
ADAM: Yes?
KAREN: The metal hole-things I made. That's a grommet.
ADAM: Oh! A grommet for me is a fluffy, like—
KAREN: Well, 'cause, the word is really cute.
ADAM: Kind of fluffy big googly-eyed little round thing that goes (sound effect of funny little creature) and wobbles on the ground.
KAREN: Well, the fact that that's what you thought a grommet is does explain why STM thinks that's what a grommet is. So, you knew the word "grommet" before.
ADAM: I have heard of the word "grommet."
KAREN: But you thought it was a cute furry creature with googly eyes.
ADAM: Don't laugh at me.
KAREN: Where did that idea come from? In what context have you heard the word "grommet?"
ADAM: I know I have heard the word "grommet" in relation to children's ears. They have had operations to remove grommets.
KAREN: What?!?!? Okay, I'm gonna look that up, and why would THAT be a cute furry thing with googly eyes?!
ADAM: I don't know!!
KAREN: That's really disturbing!
ADAM: I don't know anything.
KAREN: "You have a grommet growing out of your ear! We’re going to get that little critter out of there." Hold on. I'm going to put in "grommet" and "ear." Oh, yep, yep, hey! Uh… (reading) Ohhhh! A grommet is also—You know the tubes that they implant surgically in people's ears…
ADAM: What?!
KAREN: Ear tubes.
ADAM: No?! I thought it was something that grew in there. That they had to remove. I don't know. Either way, it's not a cute furry animal, is it.
ADAM: Right.
KAREN: But here's what's frightening me: you knew there was an association with ear surgery on children, and yet you still thought it was a furry little critter with googly eyes.
ADAM: Hang on, hang on, hang on. No, no, no. I am aware of the word "grommet" in association with children's ears and something wrong with them. I IMAGINE, if someone said to me a grommet is a creature, what that grommet would look like.
KAREN: Uh-huh, okay.
ADAM: I didn't— Yes. Yes. Get it right.


  1. I can't help thinking of Gremlings, esp now that I read the reveal. That's probably what STM's thinking of too, right?

  2. Maybe he was thinking of Gromit, the dog from Wallace and Gromit?

  3. I think it was Gremlins too.

  4. They operate on some children to insert grommets into their ears - to help drain the mucus that stops them hearing properly...

  5. Kate -- I was thinking of Wallace and Gromit, too.

  6. Please add "Straight-jackets online! Christmas sorted" to the store. I'd totally buy that shirt for every member of my loony family!

  7. there is kids tv show called wallace and grommit sounds same maybe thats what he is thinking

  8. I know, I's impossible to ever have a favorite. Still, "straitjackets online" has GOT to be up there. Oh, and you can get them online. I checked. STM is on to something.

  9. Thanks for a laugh on a day when I really needed one. And I was thinking Wallace and Gromit, too.

  10. Yup, I also thought of Wallace and Grommit. As a big fan of Weird Al Yankovic, the whole idea of grommet stomping made me think of this video:

    I want to add that I do not advocate cruelty to animals, weasels or otherwise!

  11. Just add another element to the conversation - 'grommet' is also a slang term for a young, relatively inexperienced surfer or snowboarder.

  12. OK, let's sort this out:

    Straitjackets online? There most likely are..... but you'd have to go to some *pretty* kinky websites for them....

    As for Grommets: I'm afraid Adam got the sound a bit wrong. A grommet is more guttural, actually - you'll have to do some searching on the "Prairie Home Companion" site; but they're there.... 7@=Q

    And, yeah, I've had tubes in my ears several times - nowadays I just use hearing aids....

  13. From STM's description of "grommets", I think he was thinking of Chuzzles. They're round, furry, big-eyed, and squeak. The game can be found almost everywhere online. (Picture at www dot popcap dot com/games/chuzzle)

    (the other Karen)

  14. Disappointed that the click through on your 'straightjackets online' doesn't actually take you to a website selling straightjackets.

  15. Might you be thinking about Gromit of Wallace & Gromit?

  16. I can't believe I'm almost a month behind... I haven't missed more than a day or two in over two years, and then I always caught up. I started about 4 months in, and read all the archives and never, to my knowledge, missed any. Between work and computer problems and replacement, I'm just catching up from Thanksgiving. Anyway, could you have been thinking of a Marmot?

  17. It might be a conglomeration of Gromit, from the British, children's claymation, Wallace and Gromit show, and Gremlin, from the American movie by Joe Dante and Steven Speilberg.

  18. I don't know why but I always mix up Gremlins with the Tribbles from Star Trek... so the whole "cute furry animals with googly eyes" thing sat fine with me!

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