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Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


May 27 2010

"Well that certainly was an interesting use for a banana. Now go wash your hands. And burn the banana."

 or click here

Karen's notes: Oh my. What can I possibly say about this?

Merch news: So many people asked for "whoever invented calories" shirts and mugs, I rushed it into the shops. The buy-4-get-1-free offer ends tomorrow, for anyone who was hoping to take advantage of it. Hey, another way to look at it? Buy 20, get 5 free. Buy them for your whole company, your entire extended family, all the guests at your wedding, the population of a small third-world nation! Just think of the savings!


  1. It's times like these that I wish I didn't live in Australia....We neeeeed to get hold of the beautifully and shamelessly plugged merchandise without having to pay the equivalent of transporting it from the moon. Please :)

  2. This is one of the most hilarious ones yet. I just had to post a comment!

    "and burn the banana" hahaha

  3. I second the first comment! I'm in New Zealand and would love to buy ....... completely agree Anonymous! :)


    btw Anon 08:22 I'm in NZ too. Auckland :D

  5. Oh yeah and I forgot to mention how I find it funny how there is a shameless merch update.

  6. Hilarious as usual!

    Kiwis unite!
    NZ is taking over the comments? ;D

  7. NewMexicanAnnie27 May 2010 at 08:54

    Nope, New Zealanders. It's 2 am here and I really should've been asleep by now, but raging case of insomnia. I'm from New Mexico, USA, and I LOVE that doggone banana comment. I hope he wasn't still dreaming of the bananas at the elephant reserve. :D

    Oh. And I can get merchandise just fine. Mwahahahahahahaha! ;)

  8. Burn the banana LMAO!! I sit outside because I smoke. It's almost 4 AM here, I just bellowed out so loud the neighbors dogs are all howling and barking. there's lights coming on *snicker* I gotta get back inside!!! hahaha

  9. LMMFAO!!!! Way too funny, love it!

    3:19 a.m. here...SK, Canada

  10. Ok, all of you on the other side of the world. I'm going to ask Spreadshirt and CafePress if they have a printing shop in Australia as well.

  11. Acquisitive antipodeans, Batman!

  12. This is toooooo awesome!

  13. Has STM been watching "An Education"?

  14. oh my! I wonder what he was doing with that banana! Too funny!

  15. ...did you watch "Weeds" (show time) where Andy gives Shayne some education about using bananas?
    (i can't remember for sure,but it could be on season 1)

  16. Anonymous - I was just thinking about the banana scene in Weeds! Burn the banana for sure!

  17. Wow, Adam, this seems like a whole new level, even for Sleep Talkin' Adam!

  18. I'm a bit creeped out by the way he says that...

  19. 4ever =O) laughter27 May 2010 at 17:12

    Wuz that situation termed 'a banaaanaburn' in STM language?

  20. Ya just gotta wonder how the banana feels about being used in a way that results in its burning. It's probably squicked out by the situation too and would gladly jump into an inferno to relieve itself of the disgust.

    Love the post. I really needed it today.

  21. The sad thing is I know someone who would buy the t-shirts JUST for the savings.

  22. Oh my, oh my. I'm usually pretty good at keeping it to a snicker, here at work. That one got a laugh that had people looking in my cube.

  23. "Now go wash your hands. And burn the banana."


  24. Prof. ZzzMAN-ylizer27 May 2010 at 22:35

    wudup!...whata fine mess ana sticky situation to
    get into...quick, burn rubber ... ... ... ... .....
    (watch for that peel,

  25. Can I be an annoying blog reader and say I WANT BUMPER STICKERS! :p

  26. Vell, Zigmund.......

    Zometimes a banana iss just a banana...... 7@=Q

  27. Yeah, sounds a bit like Adam watched An Education recently. Buhh.

  28. oboy. I'm very amused that there are no queries about this one, as with used socks and minges and whatever that word was for the world's least desirable job. This cryptic quote isn't so cryptic!

  29. The problem is that Adam doesn't sleep enough. If he could sleep as much as my cats do, he could produce postings at least twice a day. Twice a day would be better than once a day.

    Can we vote on this?

  30. new mexican annie - it's rude to skite! :P tee hee hee.
    it would be so awesome if spreadshirt had a shop in australia ... cheeeeeaper postage.

    go nz go!

  31. I think I know what the banana was used for......think big yellow sex toy

  32. Totally superficial, but I *lurve* the Brit pronunciation of "banana". ;)

    "Always take a bah-nah-nah to a party, Rose. Bananas are good." (The Doctor)

  33. So yeah, first shirt that I'd buy! And the crabs ones to wear as an apron or something??

  34. Interesting use for a banana indeed! I wonder what the individual who demonstrated this novel concept was! Perhaps it was one of those tickled badgers, zombie penguins, or a maybe a kitten was involved!

    Whatever it was, I'm sure it enjoyed itself!

  35. Do you need to spy on someone? Install this app on his phone!
