Some content on this page is not suitable for young eyes or faint hearts.
Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


May 3 2010

"It's the belly button button. Press it and go to hell!"

 or click here
"Your job is to be ignored. Nobody's to acknowledge you whatsoever. You should be good at that."
 or click here


  1. I always prefer the cute comments but the insults are fun too, I always imagine who I could say them to...

  2. The "belly button button" :D I like this one very much

  3. Oh good, I'm not the only one who noticed the typo lol.

    belly button button. I like that one too!

    Happy Monday! Ugh!

  4. And that's I wanna hear from you guys. Same here.

  5. haha the second one had me dying

  6. For the last ten years my job was to be ignored, and yes, I was damn good at it! XD

  7. The 'Belly Button, Button' should definitely be put on a shirt, with a red button over your belly button thats says 'go to hell'. Feel free to use that idea Karen :)

  8. There is nothing wrong with 'your'.

  9. Unless Karen made a revision, "your job" is not incorrect. "You're" always, always, always = "you are." It makes no sense to say "You are job is to be ignored." "Your" shows possession: "This job is your job, this job is my job, your job is to learn grammar." Don't annoy the editors. As an insanely ticklish person, I think the belly button button shirt would be great. I'd like to send the people who tickle me straight off to hell.

  10. Hey Karen and Adam! So I just got back from a Monster drive from Los Angeles to see family in Washington and my sister and her 3 kids drove up with me. Well no one will sleep with my 9 year old niece except me cuz she's a bed hog and a snuggler and it turns out, we discovered on this trip, a sleep talker as well. Apparently, we chattered and conversed with each other all night long. One of us would ask a question and the other would answer. The answer may not of had anything to with the questions but it was an answer. We even token laughed each other. And my nephew, (19), who is a known sleeptalker kept trying to coax his donkey outside. We teased him mercilessly about his pet donkey the whole trip. So to tally all this up, my poor sister is stuck in the room with 3 sleeptalkers who apparently when one starts, they all go and her 3 year old who randomly screams in his sleep. She got no sleep the whole trip!

  11. I absolutely support Jeffgerg's idea for a T-shirt! It would be great!!LOL

    Plamena, Bulgaria

  12. NotBob, are you a ninja :O?

  13. When my friends are arguing i always end up shouting out one of the most randomest quotes i can find from here and the tension breaks and everyone looks at me with the look of "what the hell did you just say?" and then laugh as it processes...

  14. Belly button poking?

    I think STM just invented an original sin! 7@=Q

  15. i just found this on outube

    Dane Cook on sleep talking

  16. When I read it, I read "It's a belly button".. with one "button".

    Lol'd hard when I pushed play and he said "belly button button"

  17. "Your job is to be ignored" ~ where were you, Adam, all those years ago when my boss needed to be told this?!?!?!

  18. 2manywhiskers4 May 2010 at 04:57

    I love, love, LOVE all the audio you're giving us, Karen. :) :)

    What got me today was his tone in "Press it and go to hell!" LOL!!

  19. you know.... a vid would be cool. Wishful thinking?

  20. HWL! "Press it and go to hell!" -Almost like he's DARING you to.

  21. LMFAOOOOO! I loooove the belly button button one xD I almost peed in my pants...i was cracking up xD Keep up the funny sayings! x)

  22. The "Belly Button Button" needs to go on a materinty shirt. Some times you just wish that people would leave you alone and not ask the million questions you hear for the last couple of months.

  23. I think the 'Belly Button Button' would be a great T-shirt for pregnant women everywhere!

  24. @LA/wts aaaahahahahahahaha

  25. What an idea,

    Great tips, I would like to join your blog anyway,
