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Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


May 9 2011

"I don't listen to the crap you say. Why should I give a fuck about the shit you tweet?"

 or click here
"I'm not here. I'm somewhere else. Don't look for me. I don't want to be found."
 or click here


  1. I like the first one for a shirt or a laptop cover or both. Maybe symbol out the fuck so it's more public friendly, but either way. It think it's widely appropriate as many people probably tweet more then they should. I wouldn't know actually as I don't tweet or read anyone else's tweets.

  2. Either would be sweet as a shirt

  3. The second one's a brilliant answerphone message!

  4. 2nd one as a mug please :)

  5. LOl, the second one is like my motto to life lmfao

  6. The first one could be a line in a rap song. Someone, create a beat to that one.

  7. the second one on a coffee mug! a travel mug would be awesome since i have to commute to work but i'd be willing to compromise ;)

    on second thought maybe i should just paint it on the wall above my desk... lol.

  8. in short, twittledeedeetwittledeedum10 May 2011 at 00:47

    Out of sight Out of mind
    Don't look back Nevermind
    ...dittoed that...

  9. I think STM was having a nightmare about Sarah Palin.

  10. Oh *please* make the twitter one a shirt! I hate twitter and would love to express that to the world :)

  11. Love the second one. Feeling that way lately myself.

  12. If it was a T-shirt, the second part should be on the front. Then when someone tries to explain why you should read their tweets, you turn and walk away, revealing the first part.

    But the first part should have 'even' in it. "I don't even to the cr..."

  13. I love the first one! That has got to go on a t-shirt. *giggle*

  14. Wow the second one is deep! And so so true lol x

  15. The first one is very 'Shit My Dad Says' reminiscent. LOVE the second one!

  16. The second... I want that on a shirt.

  17. My boyfriend says that he would love to see the 1st one made into a t-shirt as well. He says he would wear it everywhere lol. I love your blog & read it all the time!
