Some content on this page is not suitable for young eyes or faint hearts.
Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


July 1 2011

"There's two things that have gotta happen before I consider kissing you: suck my hairy love nuts, and fuck off! ...Okay, I've considered it, and the answer's no."

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"Nun nun nun, nun nun nun, nun, nun nun... I punched a nun. Nun nun nun, nun nun..."
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  1. ♪ I punched a nun, and the nun won. ♫

  2. My question is did he punch a nun as in a woman who's taken vows and wears a habit and all that - or did he punch a "nun" as in some representation of the number zero?

  3. I punch'd a nuun.. but I didn't punch the pastor

  4. Anyone else notice the religious theme of the last couple days?

  5. My sister says he should be singing the song, "I punched a nun and I liked it."
