Some content on this page is not suitable for young eyes or faint hearts.
Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


Jun 1 2012

"I'm in the mood for kicking faces and punching crotches. Woo hoo!"

 or click here
"You've got a complete enema mentality. You keep digging around until all the shit comes out."
 or click here


  1. I know that mood very well. I get it often!!!
    oh wow... I love them both. you should make both of them into ringtones, t-shirts, etc. etc.
    the second one is like computer repair.... you can't give up if you want to fix it. and there is always a way to fix a computer.

    1. Second one sounds more like what political candidates running for office do.

  2. The first one especially needs to be on a t-shirt! :)

  3. That first one seems oddly reversed unless STM is hanging upside-down.

    1. That's his secret - he can beat you up and do cartwheels at the same time.

    2. No, no, no! Your BOTH wrong! What has happened is STM had decided that punching pace4s, and kicking crotches was fine for a laugh, but the real trick is to reverse them so nobody knows what to look for, or from where its coming!

      He seems with himself, so it works out for him!

  4. Tips Mencapai Impian dan Kesuksesan – Umumnya akan ada suatu kondisi biasa saja akan bisa membuat banyak orang merasa kenyaman tingkat lanjut.

    Beberapa dari kita berasa nyaman dengan kehidupan yang sekarang ini kita menghadapi. Kami pilih jalan yang jelas yang mungkin saja gampang diambil oleh beberapa orang dan mengikutnya sampai akhir karenanya ialah yang paling aman.
