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Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


Mar 18 2011

"I'm sure there comes a time when both your parents wish that you were the dribbling shot that should have missed the slot. What's more, that thought comes daily."

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Karen's notes: That one has been tucked away in the nest egg for over a year! It makes me cringe so much every time I read it, I kept trying to pretend it wasn't there. But today, it dawned on me: if I just give it its chance to shine, I can tranfer the cringe to all of you, and I'll never have to look at it again! Of course, I've just multiplied the cringe by hundreds of thousand, but I'm just self-centered enough not to care. So, here ya go, guys. Hope you enjoyed the shudder.

By the way, thanks everyone for accepting yesterday's challenge with such gusto. Many of you came to quite a similar conclusion that we did, a horizontal whack-a-whippet game. Believe me, your suggestions were way funnier than our reveal.


  1. Oh, that's *awesome*!

  2. Reminds me of the other saying, "should have been swallowed instead"

  3. ~~~Wince~~~

    Yea spring cleaning!

  4. bwahahahahaha *snorts and spits coke all over the screen*
    I love it!! now to clean the screen off so I can read it!

  5. That's ... just ... PERFECT!

  6. he likes making sex jokes, doesn't he?

  7. Wow, that's jaw dropping. But I love it.

  8. o.m.g.! wow. that's sad...but then again funny and epic.

  9. Rude and crude but great. Are we as disturbed as STM?

  10. Not the most offensive thing he's said by a long shot! I thought it was pretty funny...

  11. Benjamin Sutton18 March 2011 at 15:38

    It took me a minute to figure out what STM was talking about, but yeah this is truly cringe worthy, especially the visuals. *shudder*

  12. Not the most offensive... just kind of creeped me out. -Karen

  13. I see STM has met my brother-in-law.

  14. Meh, that just sounds like a joke that some people I know would use on me, not really cringe worthy, just eye-roll worthy. *shrug*

  15. Made me laugh.... but there is something about the way he says it that is rather creepy! And...wouldn't that thought come nightly, not daily?

  16. Sadly its not cringe worthy at all when it's true, speaking from experience.

  17. I love it! Never heard that expression before but think it's just become my favourite! :-D

  18. Harrr! I say things like that when I'm fully awake and tanked up on let sleeping dogs lie with this guy!

  19. I don't get it. Maybe your new illustrator can show us? [hee hee hee :)]

  20. You waited til then for this one? The 18th is my twin's birthday!! There sure are days like that though...

    Thanks for the laughs guys, on my toughest days, STM makes me smile.
