Some content on this page is not suitable for young eyes or faint hearts.
Views expressed by Sleep Talkin' Man rarely reflect the opinions of waking Adam.
Especially the desire to exterminate all vegetarians (but he does hate lentils.)


Mar 8 2012

Today, fair readers, you have an important role to play. You need to settle a debate between Adam and me concerning today's quote. I ask that you listen to the quote carefully, give it your most serious consideration, then mark your answer in the survey over there in the left column. After that, feel free to listen/read our debate on the matter to see who you have vindicated, and who's heart you have broken.
"Yeah, it's a multi-level platform virtual-reality social phenomenon, but it's no cheese log/blog."
 or click here

Now go vote! ....... Okay, done? Here's the debate:

 or click here

(transcript below)

And here is Adam losing his shit in a fit of the giggles over a terrible pun:

 or click here
RECORDING: Yeah, it's a multi-level platform virtual reality social phenomenon, but it's no cheese (b)log.
ADAM: Is that like a chocolate log? Cheese log?
KAREN: No, cheese blog.
ADAM: I thought I said cheese log.
RECORDING: But it's no cheese (b)log.
ADAM: Log.
KAREN: Blog!
ADAM: Log! There's no "b"!
RECORDING: But it's no cheese (b)log.
ADAM: Log!
KAREN: Blog!
ADAM: It's log!
RECORDING: But it's no cheese (b)log.
ADAM: I hear log.
KAREN: Blog makes more sense, as well. 'Cause you're talking about some online thing.
RECORDING: It's a multi-level platform...
ADAM: All he's saying is, yeah, so what, that's fucking fantastic, whoopee, but it's not as fantastic as a cheese log. That's what I hear.
KAREN: I still hear—
RECORDING: But it's no cheese (b)log.
ADAM: Baby, you heard "solid" and "psychic". I doubt your hearing by now.
KAREN: But, but—
KAREN: It definitely sounds like it could be either.
ADAM: Maybe you should offer both. See what the readers think.
KAREN: Good idea.
Added 24 hours later: THE RESULTS

Thanks everyone for your invaluable input. As far as the survey is concerned, I WIN! The tally hovered between 59% and 61% for "blog" the entire time. Yay for me, and yay for nearly two-thirds of you.

Interestingly, though, "log" got a bigger shout-out in the comments, and I must say that the "log" people were certainly the most passionate.

As for "vlog", which some of you felt you heard, Adam and I are both pretty confident STM didn't say that. Keep in mind, folks (and this is a general point), this isn't high tech recording equipment. It's a little $40 Olympus recorder meant for capturing lectures and such. It often misses details and subtly distorts sound.

For those who thought they heard "virtuality" rather than "virtual-reality", this one I'm sure about. Listen carefully, you can hear those extra syllables slurred in. Don't forget, people, the guy is asleep. He's often a bit slurry.

Needless to say, Adam and I are still on opposite sides of the fence, as he is totally unwilling to capitulate to my obvious rightness. I suppose it will have to be one of those agree-to-disagree scenarios we hear so much about.


  1. He says "virtuality" not "virtual-reality."

    Re the cheese thing, the tone of his voice is what you would expect if it was cheese log, but there's definitely a b in there, so it's cheese blog. But I think he wants to eat it anyway.

    1. Your post made me go back and re-listen, you're right on the virtuality
      good catch!

    2. I just listened to this for the first time and I know this is kind of old and voting is over, but I must comment anyway. :-) I hear "log", not "blog".

  2. It sounded more like he said cheese Vlog to me. *shrug*

  3. yup I hear log or vlog

  4. Virtuality and log or vlog gets my vote, definitely not blog.

    Thanks for a great blog!

  5. It is clearly log. I've listened to it in speakers and earbuds. There is no doubt in my mind.

  6. Vlog or bog. Lol probably vlog

  7. I hear no b.

    The only thing that made me doubt "log" was the emphasis; I would say CHEESE log, not cheese LOG. But then during the debate Adam said cheese LOG without seeming to do it on purpose, so I think that must just be the way he says it.

    Plus I think the comparison is funnier if it's cheese log. "Sure, it's a high tech fancy thing, but it's not as good as low brow party food."

  8. I'm only certain that it wasn't "blog", however much sense it would make. Well, that and the fact that you can't count on an Englishman to speak proppa English now, innit.

  9. It's log. I honestly don't understand how anyone could hear "blog". There's no B noise.

  10. I've had a look at the spectrogram, and there's friction, voicing and no plosive burst, which leads me to believe that it's 'v', and therefore 'vlog'. Maybe my linguistics degree is worth something after all...

  11. I'm starting to doubt my sanity now, I Definitely hear a B sound, but no-one else seems to!

  12. log log log log log log log log log log log log

  13. Blog, all the way

    1. Blog. Heard it in both plays. I wouldn't blow a gasket over it though. Another random, yet funny quote by STM makes my day anyway.

  14. sounds like Vlog to me

  15. I'm hearing "vlog" as well. Since that's a video blog, I guess cheese blog is most similar?

  16. I heard vlog but I'll accept blog. No offense, Adam!

  17. sorry Karen... I hear log, not blog.

  18. As much as I enjoy the comments arguing blog/log/vlog, I like the "losing his shit in a fit of the giggles" the best.

  19. I definitely, without a doubt am hearing blog. Sorry Adam..

  20. It's log. Possibly vlog, but not blog.

  21. There's something, whatever it is... but it's not 'not a B' for sure.

  22. I think its blog but its definitely very close

  23. I hear blog, but I hate taking sides! GAH!

  24. Yeah, gotta say I'm much more interested in the camembook. lol

  25. Sorry, but it's clear as day that he says "log" no doot aboot it! ;-)

    seriously, as Adam said, there's no 'b' and anyone who says blog is not turning their speakers up loud enough :-(

  26. Log or vlog. Not blog

  27. I say he says "vlog" xD it's honestly what i think he says.

  28. Just to add to the general confusion, he says "virtuality" not virtual reality (doesn't he???) :-D

  29. I have to I'm in with the "Cheese vlog" crowd. Perhaps the sound before "log" is just a general mouth sound, like:

    "It's no cheese *vblergh*log"?

  30. Gotta side with Adam on this one. I listened half a dozen times, and to me STM is saying "log" or possibly "vlog," but there's no B involved.

  31. I have to agree with the people saying they hear 'vlog'. That's what I heard. I didn't hear a hard 'b' sound, but I'm certain I heard a 'v' sound.

  32. Hahahahahaha! Cheese log! Sounds like an 80's fondu night extravaganza! And its def virtuality not virtual reality! Shame you don't video him sleeping,my daughter lip reads lol!
    Natasha xx

  33. It's blog.....and he says virtual reality....

  34. My favorite part is that Adam refers to STM as "he". :-)

    1. Mine too!
      He really is an independent persona.
      Love it!

  35. I don't weigh in on controversies. But I gotta say this, you guys are a GREAT couple. I love listening to the back and forth between you two after STM. They're the best and you can actually hear the adoration for each other in your voices. It's quite heart warming, and truthfully helped my partner and I reconnect again. So Thanks!

  36. Surely, he says "vlog", right?

  37. Being originally from Wisconsin, ("The Dairy State" of being) I vote for Cheese log. Preferably a Garlic & Onion Cheddar one, covered in sliced almonds.

  38. Definitely log. There is no b!!

  39. Log sounds more logical, but there is definitely some voicing before the 'l'. I heard 'vlog' and therefore 'blog' would be closest.

    Incidentally, the fit of giggles that followed was by far the funniest thing in today's post!

  40. It's either 'log' or 'vlog', but, sorry Karen, there's just no 'b' sound in there. I've listened very carefully, very loudly, and no b.

    So a cheese video log. :P

  41. There's definitely something in front of "log." Whether it's a b or a v, it's something. Sorry, Adam!

  42. Whereas I agree blog would make more sense, there is definitely no b so I voted log but now looking at the comments and listening to it again I do hear vlog.

  43. i heard blog, as well. sorry, stm

    1. I hear V L O G and I didn't read along until after...

  44. It's log. I don't hear either a b nor a v. What I hear is someone who can't enunciate properly. STM needs to learn to form his lips properly and speak from the diaphragm.

  45. blog blog, I say! But I do love Jamisings' pronunciation comment ;)

  46. all cheesed up- - - tall tales unveiled - - -8 March 2012 at 16:26 knowing STM Adam-almighty in his sleeptalkin'ways...very clever, very insightful..., thinking out of the box as he challenges us to do at times, the 1st reaction that horton hears a who was "flog" which co-incides with that topic of ML social-internet boom bustin'out of the gate...cries out that cheese it is or cheesy it isn't...the Grate Cheese Debate that'll make us think twice and cast doubts as he is so pleased to rile the feathers in us all...p.s....

    Flog may refer to:

    General terms:
    Flagellation (also known as "flogging")
    British or Australian slang meaning either "sell" or "steal"
    An Australian slang term for a person who is an idiot or a "tool"
    During the Roman empire, to flog is to torture with a whip of broken glass and at the end is a metal ball with two metal hooks/scourging
    An Australian slang term for rain; i.e., "it's flogging down"
    Internet terms:
    A blog on Freenet
    A photoblog
    A fake blog typically used as a sales tool
    A flipped blog developed for subsequent sale
    A family blog
    A food blog; sometimes, a blog devoted to food porn blog
    A LifeLog
    An acronym: "For Love of God"
    A forced blog, such as those used by students to meet an academic requirement
    A contraction from Blog fiction
    A fictional blog
    A Facebook Log entry
    A Features blog

    STM, brilliant, with that twinkle in his eye when he awakes to stir the pot in wakingAdam and makingKaren stir crazy in the mix! O'cheese!
    (where it all started ;)

  47. log. definitely log.

  48. Definitely going with virtuality and vlog.

  49. I so love how Adam says "all he's saying is yeah, so what" He is so referring to STM as a different person. lol

    1. also I must say it does sound more like blog with a v but I kind of imagine someone trying to form a v with a numb half asleep mouth...much like after a shot of novacaine in the front of your mouth...the b and p sounds are hard to do like that

  50. Ok. I'm wading in on this one. When you click on the Listen Here icon, it's clearly "Blog". BUT when you listen to the direct playback (going through original speakers and then through headset) the b disappears and it's "Log".

    Both ways are funny. (But I do like "It's not as wow as cheesy party food" better). And I'm jealous of the way the two of you are so perky in the morning!

  51. There is what is certainly a noise in front of the 'l'. However, it is not a stop. It's a mumble.

  52. One of the primary functions of my job is transcription (lord help me and send me a dedicated transcriber soon) so I have much practice listening to a variety of voices and it's not often very easy to tell what someone's saying. I know most of you want to believe STM is silly all the time, but I regret to inform that my ears most definitely hear "cheese log". The consonent sound people are mistaking for a "b" or a "v" is simply an effect of STMs lips brushing together in his sleepy state.

  53. I had to listen to this one with high-end earphones, and I still did not in any way hear "blog". I think those who hear a "b" in there are imagining things. It's a case of self-suggestion. I could accept vlog, since the v is so soft. But "blog" it ain't. So I have to vote for a simple "log".

  54. I (an American wife) hear Blog. I think largely because he's putting the emphasis on B/log versus Cheese.

    My husband (a fellow UK sleep-talker named Adam) hears "Log".

  55. I hear Log. It's all basic gibberish so why make sense of it, or make it sensible, anyway.

  56. definitely Vlog...

  57. I hear log! Also, where i'm from (Berkshire), a cheese log is a woodlouse. Definitely not edible :)
    Angela x

  58. I'm going with log. I just don't get a b out of his sleep mumbling. And I hear the virtuality as well. And I just want to thank you for this blog. I love it. Sometimes it's the first thing that gets me smiling during the day. You two have quickly become one of the best parts of my internet activities.

  59. I'm gonna go with log. I don't here a B.

  60. seriously.. clearly log

  61. Log. I'm with Adam, I think about a log of cheese

  62. Definitely "cheese log"....

    Perhaps he's referring to the Book of Punter? "And he lay IN that land a long time, like worms out of a hot cheese log." (Punter 4:17) 7@=Q

  63. It is definitely Cheese Blog. There is clearly a "B".

  64. When I listen to it at normal leval I hear blog, but when I turn it up I hear log. You are both right!!

  65. i first heard "blog" but when you two are discussing it adam says "cheese log" and i thought it sounded like blog again so maybe stm is saying "log", its just adams way of saying it that makes it sound like "blog"

  66. I vote log as well. At first I thought Blog, but the more Adam says 'log' the more it sounds the same. I vote Log.

  67. I definitely heard "vlog" not blog or log... you know - as in video log.

  68. When I heard it the first time, I definitely heard BLOG. And voted accordingly.

    Then I listed to the debate, and started hearing LOG during the recorded parts.

    Then I continued to read comments and began to feel further conflicted when others starting hearing VLOG. So I had to return, with headphones and volume up and what did I hear: LOG!

    Though now I just feel majorly conflicted. And I could see STM preferring something simple and tasty like a cheese log over something high-tech.

  69. Log. Definitely. I put the speaker right up to my ear and heard no B sound.
    Oh, and the virtual reality thing...I faintly hear the "r" at the end of virtual so I think he's just rolling the two words together. :)

  70. There is most certainly a B on the start of that word. TEAM BLOG!

  71. Starting to think the level to which I'm annoyed at the people saying 'log' so insistently is irrational, and I need to take a few breaths. Definitely blog, but it doesn't matter that much and I think I should calm down.

  72. So, I haven't got an opinion on this as to which way, but I wanted to add sympathy given that my Dad's English and from the Brighton area, so you can't really hear a difference between when he says "saw" and "sore", and things like that.

    I also wanted to say that being raised by him and now living in the Midwest, I get told I talk funny a lot. I've got a nice blend of about four different accents and generally am considered "confused".

  73. From a British ear, it's Log. Blog would have been noticeably different.

  74. It's blog! There's obviously a very noticeable 'b' sound there, I don't understand how 40% of readers can mishear this.

  75. My first impression (listening from the main page) was Glog. The arguments for log, vlog, blog are all sound. I listened to it and could hear each of those, usually when I was expecting to hear the other one (vlog when I was expecting blog, blog when I was expecting log, etc.) The last time I listened (at the click here link) it sounded like glog again. I think his tongue just got stuck and we will never know the true meaning. That is, unless he says it again someday.

  76. It's "bog". STM is referring to an environment when he compares cheese bogs to some muti-level virtual reality (social phenomenon, like Velveeta or Cheese-wiz was/is in the US, which are really virtual realities of cheese.) Plus he's English, which could explain his use of "bog", which we usually call something else or another in the US :-)

  77. Clearly "blog." Either that or "Cheezb log," and I don't know what the latter is. So using Occam's razor, it's gotta be the blog...

  78. Karen argues: "Blog makes more sense" because the rest of it has to do with virtual reality social phenomenon.

    But I wonder: when was STM ever making sense...?

  79. Mudah Mengalami Sesak Nafas, Apakah Pembaca pernah merasa lelah karena berjalan menaiki dua anak tangga? Atau, apakah pernah terengah-engah saat berjalan menyusuri blok, atau lebih buruk lagi, hanya mencoba berjalan melintasi ruangan?

    Jangan abaikan sesak napas – tubuh Pembaca mencoba memberi tahu Pembaca bahwa ada sesuatu yang tidak beres.

    Sesak napas dapat disebabkan oleh banyak hal, mulai dari yang umum dan jinak seperti deconditioning (dengan kata lain, menjadi tidak sehat) hingga mengancam jiwa.
